I noticed that world pvp tends to be better before people get on after school/work, and small groups battle it out, these battles seem to be more fun and engaging, then the larger amount of players at night. Instead of say a need map, why not a new smaller world pvp?
Say a small map with objectives, no siege, keeps have no doors or outter walls or lumberyards no resources , a elite npc of the holding side guards a flag that controls the keep, elite needs took down to capture the keep.
Remove quick travel and choosing a respawn point, you always respawn at the nearest point based on control of the keep even if keep is under attack respawn point is nearby and not directly in it, various other objectives and control point such as outposts and camps, same setup elite npc guards flags, outposts near and stuff will buff the nearby keep with a defender buff for say a couple meters ok well gameplay ideas for it is too long to write.
The map should be lets say gold coast size
No campaign system, instead activity based queuing, mode would be dynamically controlled, with say a 50 players per faction, dynamically scalled instance, the mode would beeasy to auto manage, as new instances could be added/and removed to account for players at the current time, when close to population limits a new instance would start or via verisa.
Anywho Im just rambling here, the goal is a smaller, efficient world pvp, wouldnt lag due to being auto managed, battles would be better ,zergs would still be possible persay but risky, since the map would be smaller a player on a team to say see a group trying to cap the keep and since a elite keep npc comander guards the flag its riskier yet do able, hell a tactical player could defend a keep by attacking while enemy group was taking down the elite, or if the enemy caping group is good they could manage the dpsing the commander and take on some defenders till the commander is down.
You objectives and control.
I have alot of ideas for smaller map pvp, I cannot write them all, it would rely on more thinking and actual pvp, simple yet complex do to player tactics, one reason for the zerging in current pvp due to its design is the map is too big, keeps are overbuilt and the building element, walls, bridges all that garbage shouldnt belong in any pvp mode, the whole over complex systems ruins pvp itself no reason not to zerg as its the counter to the bad design.
Over complexity leads to less actual pvp making zerging the only winning option hence it ironically created a less complex outcome!