Why Necromancer for Elsweyr?

Hear me out.... I'll be brief.

It's Elsweyr. It's about the Khajit & Dragons. Khajit are known to practice a Hand-to-Hand combat style (martial art). Where the heck did you guys follow all that right there in front of your faces and nose dive into Necromancer?

Don't you think Martial Artist (or whatever you want to call it) would have been LITERALLY a million times cooler and, well.... make a ton more since organically to the setting?

Not trying to grief ZOS. Not wanting to get into a discussion / debate with anyone that's super excited about Necromancers. I'm just saying... isn't Kahjit Martial Arts a LONG time coming at this point? Isn't Elsweyr the BEST opportunity for it to be brought in?

P.S. I think they've been in the game since launch as NPC's. The starting island of the Aldmeri Dominion I believe. So, again... what the heck? LOL
Edited by Daoist on April 18, 2019 11:28PM
  • VaranisArano
    Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.

    ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.
  • TheInvalidUsername
    Khajiiti culture is indifferent about necromancy for the most part.
    Do your writs.
  • Daoist
    Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.

    ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.

    That's sad, tbh. A bit shallow on the fanbase's part too, imo. Meh, each his own of course. I just remember a long time ago the fans were wanting hand-to-hand in the game.

    Oh well.. not like I was posting this to see a change. Just found it incredibly out of place, and odd.
  • Daoist
    Khajiiti culture is indifferent about necromancy for the most part.

    Yeah, I mean... I know Necros are part of Tam. They've always been here in every game. Just find this a seriously blown opportunity for more uniqueness added to ESO.
  • ryzen_gamer_gal
    seems like a valid point.
  • Chicharron
    Agree with you.

    I do not know what is special about Necromancer class, i see it as any other.

    But since the beginning of the game people have been asking for a Necromancer.

    It's probably something nerd that escapes my understanding.
  • Ankael07
    Because not everything has to come from already established lore. New lore means new interesting concepts and stories. Its not like Elsweyr is foreign to Necromancy anyway

    Check out the Elsweyr section of this book

    Edited by Ankael07 on April 18, 2019 11:44PM
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Robo_Hobo
    Yeah I agree, even before Elsweyr was announced, I was always hoping that when an Elsweyr chapter happened, that it would come with a Monk class focusing on the Khajiiti martial arts we've always heard about.

    I'm indifferent about Necromancers being a class, but I know it was always a popular suggestion so I'm happy for those who have been looking forward to it, I just think it was a missed opportunity this time for a more relevant class. However, there's still hope for a Southern Elsweyr chapter eventually having Monks as a new class added with it, or just Monks being added as a class with any chapter (but it wouldn't have the same opportunity to dig deeper into the lore of it as it would if it were added with an Elsweyr-based chapter).

    Of course, they could always just introduce the Khajiiti martial arts in non-class ways too, like world skill lines, or unarmed combat. If or when they ever do add a Monk class to the game that's probably going to instantly become my main character, as I've always wanted to make a Khajiti martial arts expert in ESO.

    Maybe some day! For now though, I'm happy for those who are excited about the Necromancer class, and I'm just happy to finally have the chance to explore more of Elsweyr.
    Edited by Robo_Hobo on April 18, 2019 11:48PM
  • Goregrinder
    We've been wanting Necromancer in ESO since like 2005 man. Kung Pu Panda can wait.
  • Tensar
    Hand to hand should be in "world" skill line, and khajit should have a little buff in it.
  • SFDB
    Daoist wrote: »
    Don't you think Martial Artist (or whatever you want to call it) would have been LITERALLY a million times cooler and, well.... make a ton more since organically to the setting?

    The second part, maybe, but the first part could not be more wrong, and I'm not even counting emphasizing "literally" when it's not being used properly.

    Given a choice between utilizing the forces of death in every way from raising skeleton minions to hurling spiritual energy around, vs punching and kicking things, I'm going to pick the thing that I couldn't already do in real life if I felt like heading down to the strip mall once a week. If Master Chad could teach me how to turn into a skeletal behemoth, I'd be there.

    And I'm speaking as someone who actually would like to see unarmed added to the game. It's just you're suggesting a free lunch is better than a a free lunch at a five star restaurant with a hot date.
  • Imperial_Voice
    Daoist wrote: »
    Hear me out.... I'll be brief.

    It's Elsweyr. It's about the Khajit & Dragons. Khajit are known to practice a Hand-to-Hand combat style (martial art). Where the heck did you guys follow all that right there in front of your faces and nose dive into Necromancer?

    Don't you think Martial Artist (or whatever you want to call it) would have been LITERALLY a million times cooler and, well.... make a ton more since organically to the setting?

    Not trying to grief ZOS. Not wanting to get into a discussion / debate with anyone that's super excited about Necromancers. I'm just saying... isn't Kahjit Martial Arts a LONG time coming at this point? Isn't Elsweyr the BEST opportunity for it to be brought in?

    P.S. I think they've been in the game since launch as NPC's. The starting island of the Aldmeri Dominion I believe. So, again... what the heck? LOL

    Martial artist makes literally no sense in ESO. Thats like saying the grey beards are in skyrim so we should get a dragonborn class.
  • Ahlteffour
    While what makes the most sense is often lost to the excitement of creating entertainment, it's hard to deny that the necromancer create far more hype and excitement to promote a years worth of content. Necro has been asked for since beta, and giving a large portion of fans what they want will sell far better than giving people what is technically more lore accurate.
    "Anyone can identify a problem. It takes hard work, dedication, patience and understanding to be a positive part of the solution"
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    cuz they ran out of ideas on how to make money and appeal the playerbase by actually fixing the most crucial issues with the game...so they played their last card for a quick buck...cant wait to see whats next...I rly do.
  • Goregrinder
    cuz they ran out of ideas on how to make money and appeal the playerbase by actually fixing the most crucial issues with the game...so they played their last card for a quick buck...cant wait to see whats next...I rly do.

    This comment inspired me. I just bought 21k more crowns so ZOS can grab more of my cash.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    cuz they ran out of ideas on how to make money and appeal the playerbase by actually fixing the most crucial issues with the game...so they played their last card for a quick buck...cant wait to see whats next...I rly do.

    This comment inspired me. I just bought 21k more crowns so ZOS can grab more of my cash.

    nothing wrong with that though...im just waiting with my 27k crowns for something worthy...soon...I hope?...still waiting...
  • Cadbury
    You see people necro old threads on the forum all the time. So of course, Necromancer was hotly anticipated.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Tasear
    Cause it is nerco! 👻
  • Jenzi
    I agree with op, I think a monk class with a polearm weapon would of been extremely cool, and it does seem like a missed opportunity. Everyone is gagging for new weapons too. Hopefully it will be a new class in the future.
  • Lumenn
    More people have asked for necro than monk(i personally prefer a monk but /shrug) and(IMO) it's probably easier tweaking some code(we already have finger wigglers, flashy lights, and summons) to put a new skin on skills and make a necro than to code a hand to hand light armor mitigation monk type class.
  • Eirikir
    I mean it wouldn't have to be one or the other. Necro could be a new class and "monk" could just be a new weapon type. Claws and gloves with a "spirit" model that would let you glam invisible if the other models are not to your liking. Or a glowing option also. Make all 5 skill's morphs branch, default Stam, one morph Stam and one Mag. That way it could give both the fighter players and hand casting mage players something happy.

    And a new weapon type is open and doesn't require a new alt to play and try out.
    Server: PS4-NA
    PSN: Eirikir
    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
    Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • Canned_Apples
    Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.

    ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.

    Same reason why they're going to be mega-oped for the first 6+ months
  • Caligamy_ESO
    Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.

    ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.

    Same reason why they're going to be mega-oped for the first 6+ months

    Is this a nerf Warden thread?

    Sorry, think I had a flashback of threads from 2 years ago.
    love is love
  • Tasear
    Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.

    ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.

    Same reason why they're going to be mega-oped for the first 6+ months

    Is this a nerf Warden thread?

    Sorry, think I had a flashback of threads from 2 years ago.

    😓 They are still waiting for those OP days...
  • Blackwing_Soul
    I came back to play ESO for the Necro class. I would not have come back for khajiit kung fu.

  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Because that us when ZOS decided to release it.
  • Daoist
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    Because not everything has to come from already established lore. New lore means new interesting concepts and stories. Its not like Elsweyr is foreign to Necromancy anyway

    Check out the Elsweyr section of this book


    Of course it doesn't. This game has made a habit of avoiding that very thing in most cases, and I like that a lot in fact. However... that being said, this is a pretty big moment to pas up on and it does seem out of place, all things considered.
  • dogman
    cuz they ran out of ideas on how to make money and appeal the playerbase by actually fixing the most crucial issues with the game...so they played their last card for a quick buck...cant wait to see whats next...I rly do.

    shut up u dork
    i'm just tryna have a good time
  • me_ming
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    Because not everything has to come from already established lore. New lore means new interesting concepts and stories. Its not like Elsweyr is foreign to Necromancy anyway

    Check out the Elsweyr section of this book


    I kinda agree to this. While it's cool to have like a monk class, or that necromancy seems a little odd when you talk about khajiits or dragons. But then again, what has the warden has to do with Morrowind, eh? It's most likely because people have been asking for the class, and well... Elsweyr. I mean there's nothing wrong with having Necromancy being included in the Chapter.
    "We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
    -Caldwell, "The Final Assault"

    "There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

    -Abnur Tharn, "God of Schemes"]
  • Red_Feather
    I think because the Tharn siblings are involved and they know necromancy. And maybe we get taught necromancy to help stop dragons.
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