VaranisArano wrote: »Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.
ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.
TheInvalidUsername wrote: »Khajiiti culture is indifferent about necromancy for the most part.
Don't you think Martial Artist (or whatever you want to call it) would have been LITERALLY a million times cooler and, well.... make a ton more since organically to the setting?
Hear me out.... I'll be brief.
It's Elsweyr. It's about the Khajit & Dragons. Khajit are known to practice a Hand-to-Hand combat style (martial art). Where the heck did you guys follow all that right there in front of your faces and nose dive into Necromancer?
Don't you think Martial Artist (or whatever you want to call it) would have been LITERALLY a million times cooler and, well.... make a ton more since organically to the setting?
Not trying to grief ZOS. Not wanting to get into a discussion / debate with anyone that's super excited about Necromancers. I'm just saying... isn't Kahjit Martial Arts a LONG time coming at this point? Isn't Elsweyr the BEST opportunity for it to be brought in?
P.S. I think they've been in the game since launch as NPC's. The starting island of the Aldmeri Dominion I believe. So, again... what the heck? LOL
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »cuz they ran out of ideas on how to make money and appeal the playerbase by actually fixing the most crucial issues with the they played their last card for a quick buck...cant wait to see whats next...I rly do.
Goregrinder wrote: »xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »cuz they ran out of ideas on how to make money and appeal the playerbase by actually fixing the most crucial issues with the they played their last card for a quick buck...cant wait to see whats next...I rly do.
This comment inspired me. I just bought 21k more crowns so ZOS can grab more of my cash.
VaranisArano wrote: »Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.
ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.
Canned_Apples wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.
ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.
Same reason why they're going to be mega-oped for the first 6+ months
Caligamy_ESO wrote: »Canned_Apples wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »Lots more people have been asking for necromancer than people asking for hand-to-hand.
ZOS is going to go with where the $$$ and interest is.
Same reason why they're going to be mega-oped for the first 6+ months
Is this a nerf Warden thread?
Sorry, think I had a flashback of threads from 2 years ago.
Because not everything has to come from already established lore. New lore means new interesting concepts and stories. Its not like Elsweyr is foreign to Necromancy anyway
Check out the Elsweyr section of this book
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »cuz they ran out of ideas on how to make money and appeal the playerbase by actually fixing the most crucial issues with the they played their last card for a quick buck...cant wait to see whats next...I rly do.
Because not everything has to come from already established lore. New lore means new interesting concepts and stories. Its not like Elsweyr is foreign to Necromancy anyway
Check out the Elsweyr section of this book