as IC becomes its own Campaign it is faster and easier to get in it and out. faction lock doesnt apply in IC (atleast as far i understood the patchnotes)…
Wouldn't it be nice to fight each other on a completly new different map than normal cyrodil map?
What i want to achieve with this thread is to get as many pc eu pvp guilds in one of the IC Campaigns to make it worth playing them and enjoying to fight each other on a completly different map compared to normal cyrodil. As IC wont be homecampaign of someone it would be nice to create such an Event close in the future and it wouldn't effect you on your home Campaign (faction locked) Campaign.
If your Guild is interested, it would be nice if you leave a Reply so we can find a day that fits most guilds best
My YT:
GM of former Slack Squad PvP Raid Guild
Our Vids:
Zoe'la- AD Magplar AvA 50 x2.5
Not Zoe'la- DC Magplar AvA 27
Worst Healbot EU- EP Magplar AvA 20
Diundriel- AD StamNB AvA 39
Pugs Got Bombed- AD ManaNB AvA 36
Cause we have dots- AD ManaSorc AvA 35
Red Zergs Again- AD StamDen AvA 30
Synergy Spam Bot- AD MagDK AvA 17
Heals of Cyrodiil- AD ManaDen AvA 14
Nawrina- DC StamDK AvA 26
Not Ganking- StamNB PVE DD
Stack Pls- DC ManaNB AvA 20
Der Katzenmensch- AD AvA 30
Der kleine Troll- DC StamDen AvA 25
and some I deleted and new ones I am to lazy to add so well above 250 Mio AP and 7 Former Emperor Characters
PvE: multiple Flawless Conqueror Chars, Spirit Slayer, vAS +2, vCloudrest +3, vRG, vKAhm etc