Queuing to log in for 20 minutes (which ends up being 30 minutes) and then getting dropped by the server (EU in my case) after 20 minutes, what is the point of paying for ESO Plus or any further "Chapter" such as Elsweyr, when others are being invited to play on mass for free, or able to purchase the game for a mere £10 especially after you've paid full whack for the original game, for every extension, and paid up front for ESO plus right from the start? There doesn't seem to be any time now day or night when the servers are so congested that you have difficulty logging on, get dropped by the server in the middle of things or every time you use a portal to change location {"Error: unable to connect to Server"], and while you are playing, displayed motion comes to a complete stop for 2 or 3 seconds, or you suddenly find your player has suddenly jumped about 200 yards down the road in a blink of the eye and facing in a different direction - very disorienting. I'm so pissed off with the reluctance of ZOS/Bethesda to adequately deal with these problems instead of provoking worse degradation. I've almost lost the will to continue to play this game, and I certainly won't bed paying out any more cash for anything else that Bethesda is promoting until there is a radical change in attitude towards its customers and provision of adequate server capacity and performance to ensure that everyone gets the experience they believe they have paid for.