"Not Today" is a endgame raiding guild looking for fixed members to create a Coregroup and progress together on
veteran Cloudrest. (Achievements, HM and so on)
We need few a more players to properly start the core raiding while most of us are already experienced. We like to meme, everything will be hold in a friendly atmosphere.
Currently we are looking for players that can come on both days:
Thursdays: 1 Healer, DDs
Saturdays: 1 Healer, DDs
If you don't see a role that fits for you, still feel free to apply since groups may still change.
Requirements: General: vCR+0 Knowledge
Tanks: Baseknowledge of VetTrials + certain sets (At least vCraglorns, vMoL, vHoF for example completed)
Healers: Baseknowledge VetTrials + certain sets (At least vCraglorns, vMoL, vHoF for example completed)
DD's: ±45k Dummy DPS, Baseknowledge of VetTrials
Raid-ScheduleThursday 20:00 - 22:00 CEST Core Raiding (vCR)
Saturday 20:00 - 22:00 CEST Core Raiding (vCR)
If you're interested, feel free to send an in-game mail to me at
@SublimeCaver or
@Freyja_x or just apply through the Guildfinder (Trials, Hardcore).
or at Discord: CaveSquirrel#1944