Punishing players for doing that is not and will never will be my inted. AP you get from taking objectives will remain the same. I just think that night / morning cap, it does not matter who does that.ShenaniganSquad wrote: »@Tommy_The_Gun you cant punish people because of where they live... all i ever hear americans say is "the map gets night capped" .. you do realise that on the other side of the world its like 8pm right? ... Why should those of us on this side of the globe be penalized for showing up during our prime time.. why dont you guys stay up later so we dont have to pvdoor.. that would make it nice to have some people to actually fight when we play
ShenaniganSquad wrote: »@Tommy_The_Gun you cant punish people because of where they live... all i ever hear americans say is "the map gets night capped" .. you do realise that on the other side of the world its like 8pm right? ... Why should those of us on this side of the globe be penalized for showing up during our prime time.. why dont you guys stay up later so we dont have to pvdoor.. that would make it nice to have some people to actually fight when we play
ShenaniganSquad wrote: »
Joy_Division wrote: »
I'd say not flip the entire map, take every scroll, or alternatively log on the outnumbered faction, but I might as well *** into the wind with those suggestions.
I do agree its pointless to ask and naive to expect that somehow the players need to enforce anti-night capping activity, especially when ZOS's own mechanics support it (the PvDoor faction gets combat states bonuses and AP buff when it probably should be the other way around).
I have 50 different mounts to choose from, but ZOS has put in zero mechanics to give a faction getting nightcapped any assistance whatsoever. It's disappointing.
On Xbox one NA yellows own two campaigns at a time it’s actually a common thing for all blues to get on yellows they actually say time to get on yellows in zone. They always win rarely ever do they lose.
Joy_Division wrote: »
I do agree its pointless to ask and naive to expect that somehow the players need to enforce anti-night capping activity, especially when ZOS's own mechanics support it (the PvDoor faction gets combat states bonuses and AP buff when it probably should be the other way around).
I have 50 different mounts to choose from, but ZOS has put in zero mechanics to give a faction getting nightcapped any assistance whatsoever. It's disappointing.
ShenaniganSquad wrote: »
@Joy_Division You say "not flip the entire map etc" while everyone in america is alseep, but what do you think happens to us when we sleep? We over this side of the world wake up to a completely flipped map, all scrolls taken, so whats the difference? Oceanic players come home from work/school to a completely flipped map, all scrolls taken, no home keeps... so to be fair, you guys shouldnt do it at 9pm usa time either... see how ridiculous that sounds... and as I am in an AD only guild, flipping isnt an option.
Joy_Division wrote: »[…]…(the PvDoor faction gets combat stat bonuses and AP buff when it probably should be the other way around).
[…]…ZOS has put in zero mechanics to give a faction getting nightcapped any assistance whatsoever. It's disappointing.
^This underlying problem must be addressed to bring about balance. Taking keeps and scrolls is currently a positive feedback mechanism with each take increasing the combat power and AP gains of the faction that is already the one performing best. That is a disaster for, and huge impediment to balance. Positive feedback makes things escalate and explode, whereas negative feedback restores and maintains balance in any type of system. Coloring the whole map one color (especially mostly PvDoor) should bring about increasingly negative penalties, not tons of impactful buffs.
Emperor and the scrolls themselves should impart AP gain or reward bonuses but not affect combat whatsoever (or maybe only their home factions when they possess them). To the victor goes the spoils. Controlling keeps and/or the throne shouldn’t make any individuals more powerful than before, but they do deserve more booty.
The devs are adding the keep killer weapons soon so I hope they next rethink the existing system that encourages unbalanced play and put in mechanisms to provide the combat buffs to the underdogs—as almost every other PvP title worth its salt does.
ShenaniganSquad wrote: »
ShenaniganSquad wrote: »@Joy_Division You say "not flip the entire map etc" while everyone in america is alseep, but what do you think happens to us when we sleep? We over this side of the world wake up to a completely flipped map, all scrolls taken, so whats the difference?