I'm not talking about D&Dthey have incompatible biology yeah, BUT...
I think they could solve it with magick, transform the male of the couple temporarily into the same species as the female.
we have lots of evidence that those type of transformations aren't just a "glamour"
So they can have kids sure, but not hybrids.
Magic isn't as simple as D&D magic in TES.
We actually have very few unreliable examples of this. Often polymorphing leads to a lot of unintended effects or transformations. TES magic is like a diceroll...You don't always get what you want. Morrowind used to have a "fizzle" system.
I'm not talking about D&Dthey have incompatible biology yeah, BUT...
I think they could solve it with magick, transform the male of the couple temporarily into the same species as the female.
we have lots of evidence that those type of transformations aren't just a "glamour"
So they can have kids sure, but not hybrids.
Magic isn't as simple as D&D magic in TES.
We actually have very few unreliable examples of this. Often polymorphing leads to a lot of unintended effects or transformations. TES magic is like a diceroll...You don't always get what you want. Morrowind used to have a "fizzle" system.
In TES we have multiple examples of people being entirely transformed with potions, and depending on the situation...
it either wears off on its own or needs an antidote to reverse it.
& yes sometimes with unintended effects, but also many times "working as planned"
(there's support in the lore for your race change token, its a cookie)
I only meant we often see them eat or drink and transform, so maybe the race change token is a cookie?Race change tokens aren't mentioned in the lore and what's this about a cookie? Where's your source for that?
I only meant we often see them eat or drink and transform, so maybe the race change token is a cookie?Race change tokens aren't mentioned in the lore and what's this about a cookie? Where's your source for that?
& yes the magick is flawed, but it still IS
theoretically someone could get biologically changed for the purposes of procreation
& Lots of examples that there's no one answer to being "transformed"
there's the skeleton guy in the outlaws refuge, he eats & drinks like a normal person, and explains to you its a "glamour" that got stuck... so obviously he's still a biological Nord under there with working parts he just LOOKS like a skeleton
there's the dark elf brother who is completely transformed into a goblin but it will wear off eventually.
the Orc permanently turned into a monkey, but he still speaks with his own voice so that one's a mystery as to what's really going on
Lady uses a potion to turn her husband into an actual dog, he has a dog level intelligence afterwards.
Dark Elf guy trying to become a khajiit, turns into an argonioan instead, drinks the antidote immediately.
reliable or fool-proof?None of that is a reliable means to transformation tho.
reliable or fool-proof?None of that is a reliable means to transformation tho.
as I said earlier you could find many examples of transformation magick or alchemy 'working as planned'
point being, if you go to an Alchemist and tell them what you want to have happen, they CAN probably help you...
the personal question would be, is it worth the risks?
Indoril_Nerevar wrote: »The true answer is:
Most likely. As, this world of ours holds a great deal of mystery...
Secrets of the past, wandering abominations and travellers with horrid tales of cursed places.
The concept of knowledge, imagination, our sciences and magics, and all living and unloving creatures within our Mundus indicates that . .
Yes. This is most likely very possible.