Hi Folks,
"The Challengers" are a newly formed guild who's primary focus is aimed at completing the 4 man dungeon challenger achievements of Hardmode, Speed and No Death (as well as the 4 man dungeon arenas).
We expect the following social requirements to be met:
Patience: It can take a while to get the 4 man dungeon challenger achievements completed therefore we require players who are willing to put in the time to get them.
Adapting: Using a build or skill rotation that hampers the group makes no sense and only wastes time. You must be wiling to improve or adapt your character if required.
Friendly: It can be frustrating when things don't go the way you want them to however this then isn't an excuse to act petulant, blunt or immature, particularly towards your team mates.
Helpful: You got an achievement completed ... excellent! Now share this knowledge and experience with your guild mates and help them get it as well by running the dungeon again if need be (please don't be selfish).
We also require players to use head phones when required (speaking isn't mandatory however listening, most of the time, is).
If you feel that you cannot meet any of these requirements then please don't apply.
Alternatively, if you're tired of looking for players to do the 4-man dungeon challenger achievements with and you feel you meet the above requirements then we are the guild for you.
We keep track of any achievements you still require via your member notes. This provides visibility to the guild with what you still require to be completed.
Please note that we are NOT:
- A trials guild
- A PvP guild
- A trading guild
If interested, either respond to this thread with your PSN name and I will get you added to the guild.
Alternatively, you can PM me in game and I will get you added as well.
Lets get these challenges completed!

PSN: Contractor_No1
Edited by Weesacs on April 6, 2019 11:25AM Breton Templar
PS4 - EU - DC