Moonsorrow wrote: »To the people defending the alliance hopping i got a nice wall of text inc:
1. You do not need to switch alliance during same campaign each day, if some alliance takes a domination win, switch after it to the weakest one if you so wish. There is no need for some AP farming police who plays all sides and flips keeps back and forth with different color and the "help" they do is most often taking a scroll, then not even taking it "home" since they have no home alliance so they do NOT care, they go up in mountain or in keep/tower farming with it until die or it times out back to where it was from. How is THAT helping anyone, other than gaining AP to yourself? All the excuses you come up with, i have an answer ready. I know the people, i have some friends doing that. To each their own though.
2. You CAN do the same with this thing that is coming, you can "help" other alliances, just there is the penalty. But oh wait.. you mean to tell us it was not for helping everyone since you can still do it like before if these changes go through? Why is this a problem for you? You can help. Just gonna end up without the rewards. Penalty is there to atleast have fewer people doing AP abuse.
3. Most small scalers do not admit it, but they are not there to help the campaigns, they are there to farm and for fun battles, what mainly includes not fighting each others.. different alliance small scalers take different places to farm solos and those that are not coordinated aka pugs. Like as an example DC small scale group at Arrius lumber, EP small scalers at Aleswell farm, AD small scalers at Sejanus. They do not attack each others often. Sometimes even fighting side by side and farming. This happens on all servers. I know someone propably gonna explain how it never happens on theirs, but those who played for years all know this and the small scalers who are honest will admit to be true. People not like attacking friends.
All the alliance hopping just devaluates the whole Alliance War game mode. While the alliance hoppers do not see it that way themselves, but it is exactly the same as if someone left in middle of a battleground to join other team in same battleground, most join actually to the side that is winning, making the side with smallest amount of points to have no chance.
Most people not join to help the weakest. You all know this. And the reality: most join (if possible) to anything that gains them the most AP with least effort aka flipping/AP abuse.
There are only a few who help campaigns honestly, and they have my sympathy, yet a big mass who use the freedom that we now have to just farm, grief, troll and abuse. You know this.
One thing more i see as a benefit with a lock/penalty: Not so much Reported players (for dumping scrolls to water and so on) for cheating, so customer support can spend their time on other more important issues and people get faster service at other issues since these do not spam their report queues anymore in so big numbers.
Lock/penalty has only good benefits for the majority.
Faction lock everything.
I see this claim pop up from time to time, and I just don’t agree. My experience with most people is that they go for the easy win 99% of the time, which means piling on with the dominant alliance at the time. If that’s not you, great! You’re in the minority and should be applauded, and it sucks that you won't be able to do that anymore. On the positive side, hopefully faction locks will reduce the need for you to do this.
ellahellabella wrote: »
My claim is solely about these well known players on the forums. I recognise many names from the NA pc server defending and they're all great players with good spirit.
I know that there are those out there that change to the side winning. In fact, i'm fairly sure that there are such players during our oc timeframe that hop onto ad when a guild raid that has no real opposing competition comes on and steamrolls everything. One time, I wanted to see just how much ap that guild makes so I stalked them on my ad toon for every capture tick. Made 80k/ph. If people were switching, no wonder.
However in turn, a lot of well known ad players will join ep or dc at this time because they don't want to be part of that sadness. Those players that just swap over to the winning side will never improve at the game.
Much of the pvdooring that switching may have helped cause has a lot to do with the keep capture ticks. Honestly they should not be so damn large (but that's another topic).
Much of the good from faction freedom has come from meeting some amazing people from all over the game. I've got friends all over the place now that I once hated as enemies simply because they killed me a lot...
Those that are in heavy support of faction pride and want to hate everyone not their faction seem to forget. We're all people just playing a game and having some fun!
I see this claim pop up from time to time, and I just don’t agree. My experience with most people is that they go for the easy win 99% of the time, which means piling on with the dominant alliance at the time. If that’s not you, great! You’re in the minority and should be applauded, and it sucks that you won't be able to do that anymore. On the positive side, hopefully faction locks will reduce the need for you to do this.
ellahellabella wrote: »
Who has what? Most faction swappers making noise in the forums are those that change to the alliance in the most need of help at the time! You're being very bias.
The 7 day should be the locked one. Not only does it make life easier for OC and JP players, most of the emp trading happens in the 7 day campaigns. It's going to be even easier to emp trade now if you can only be emp once a cycle.
Add 2 more 30-day campaigns, so we can have both CP and non-CP locked and unlocked. Everyone could choose their favourite this way. Probably remove the 7-day campaign, but there are probably good reasons it's there.
faction lock 30 day. People that want faction locks wants to play the map, so it makes sense that we get the 30 day one. as people that dont want faction locks dont play map, and dont care about faction. it's all about the fight. so go 7 days. No? Or better yet, the NEW IC standalone campaigns.
I probably am one of the biggest advocates of faction lock. And I'm glad ZOS are giving us choice, thank you Brian & Co.
7 days, or better yet do it in Sotha, see how popular it really is, given Sotha's a ghost town, I am sure "faction loyalists" will be flocking there in their droves to enjoy their red/blue/yellow pride.
Pop-locked Sotha. What a sight.
Point of order: They're actually removing a choice, not giving you one.
There are currently zero faction locked campaign to chose from. Adding even just one adds a choice. What you said to the contrary defies logic.
Incorrect. Faction loyalists have the choice to play as faction loyalists. They can do so regardless of the existence/nonexistence of faction locked campaigns. Faction hoppers who play with different friends/guilds will have that choice removed, unless everyone agrees to move to a different campaign.
Less choice <> adding a choice. See how that works?
What in the world is AP abuse???
Do you mean AP farming? If so who needs to switch off your main faction to do that?
The rest of it...
I don’t think it means what you think it means.... 🧐
[I hope the trolls that did that realize it hurts your cause to behave like that more than it helps, comes across as very juvenile and makes other serious posts seem easily dismissible]
Moonsorrow wrote: »
It means exactly what it is, abusing alliance hopping to AP gains, roaming back and forth the map, a group of players first storming same campaign on one alliance then switching to other to flip same keeps and map, to get double AP.. or again switching back to more, and again, and again.. especially during off hours when relatively small group can do this.
If they could not switch on same campaign, they would have to go do other campaign, what might have another group doing the map and suddenly there is PVP and not just AP flipflopping. Imagine that. Alliance war as its intended. Alliances warring against others. Not same people on all alliances farming AP on different colors.
There, did that answer fully satisfy you or do i have to explain more about the current reality on what the people do these days?
Penalty to AP gain and end of campaign rewards makes that happen not so much. It is not a perfect solution, but it is better than what we got now. And as said, there are people who are not toxic and like to play with friends.. so small collateral damage, but many campaigns to play together and still a campaign to do the flip flopping, apparently the trolls not like Shor though since they cry here, because they like biggest audience to their trolling (VIvec). And they still can troll, but seems even the thought of the penalty is making them mad, so.. i expect way way way less trolls. People like their transmute crystals.
Majority will be more happy. Atleast we can try things like this. No one will get hurt.
Imagine if Cyrodiil lag would go down a bit too if some more spreading of people between campaigns. Hopeful, but will see..
(i wish BG queue/finder would be fixed finally, take that damn F spam away.. i see it in my dreams already)
I'm afraid you don't understand what being a faction loyalist really is. Faction loyalty is a collective thing not an individual thing. If people are allowed to swap factions then faction loyalty does not exist, if an entire faction is not loyal unto itself then faction loyalty does not exist. Faction loyalty is an over arching concept not an individual choice. This is the mindset of a faction loyalist. Faction loyalty is something that is required in a competitive AvAvA environment where a score is maintained and groups of people are competing against one another to win that campaign. By allowing swapping the score becomes meaningless as well as the competition for the campaign.