Narvuntien wrote: »It's new so there might not be much info on it yet.
The most recent patch nerfed Dual Wield enchantments which finally made it worth trying out then as a bonus the set from one of the new dungeons,Tzogvin’s Warband, was perfect for ranged builds which cannot use Beast trap for Minor Force.
Gryphon gear from Summerset also gives minor force but warband also gives crit.
I'm not an expert on this, and I've heard bow/bow CAN be viable, but I have never run vet content with a bow/bow dps that could keep up. That's not to say it's impossible--as a skilled bow/bow player is better than a trash DW/Bow player--but I would be surprised if this is competitive build. Sure looks like fun though, if that's what you're after!
Marshall1289 wrote: »
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
Well, one CAN use Lightweight Beast Trap, at least if one can throw it with better aim than I have mustered to date. Is the skill damage (Minor Force aside) so weak that one shouldn't?
DoonerSeraph wrote: »
About LW trap.
The travel time is wonky, takes 1s to arm once on the ground, the minor force duration is so low, and cost is horrendously high.
hedna123b14_ESO wrote: »
What they need is to make LW trap have mob collision
I'm assuming your using lover?RandomKodiak wrote: »Oh and I don't have a vMA bow, also have a Sorc, DK and NB bow/bow all can do between 38k and 40k
Marshall1289 wrote: »@Toc de Malsvi What do you have against templars?
@RandomKodiakRandomKodiak wrote: »@Marshall1289 That's for Parsing the Kra'gh with shalks and Sharpened Bow, when in trials I use Velidreth helm for a bit more damage. Also that is with the Shadow Lover would put me over