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Stamblade PvP - Assassin Build Wrathstone Patch

The term Assassin is derived from a historic order of contract killers from medieval Persia, an esoteric faction of the Nazari Ismailis known as the Hashashin. Legendary for their surgical precision and ruthless efficiency, and attributed with many unsolved murders of important political and elite figures, the Hashashin were the most viciously successful killers of their day.

Covert hunters, the Hashashin were physically and mentally equipped to operate as solitary agents. They were defined by such qualities and tactics as precision, stealth, subterfuge, and combat finesse. By engaging in warfare on both corporeal and psychological fronts, these Assassins thrived on eliminating their targets in the most ruthlessly effective manner.

This build harnesses that style of combat and brings it to life in ESO, utilizing pure statistical burst to reliably assassinate targets, while possessing plenty of sustain to ensure elusiveness. In the right hands, with properly timed combos and use of the available tools, this build enables the player to eliminate any target regardless of how daunting a task it may seem- true to the nature of the Assassin. With the ability to eviscerate any opponent in a matter of seconds, while being incredibly self-sustainable in hectic combat situations, this build provides a high level of performance for the solo player in any context of PvP- wether that be Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds, or Dueling.

The Build
The Build has very high Tooltips even without Clever Alchemist procced, as I tried explaining it in the video. For the expense of a little sustain, this build will not have any problems killing players with or without Clever Alchemist.

Clever Alchemist is simply there to secure kills, to obliterate harder to kill targets, it's like an ace in your sleeve.
Why Clever Alchemist?
Because unlike other specs, Stamblades can control fights quite easily, they can stalemate whenever they need to and strike only when they are ready, that turns playing around Clever Alchemist as a rather easier task.
Stamblades also have the highest burst potential in the entire game, amplifying it with damage sets can lead to clean One Shots when timed and Animation cancelled correctly.

Clever Alchemist also provides 2000 health, which leads to the question "Do you really need Health food?", the answer to me was not necessarily.
I made up for the lost sustain and Max. Stamina by running Bi-Food, Max. Stam and Stam. Recovery and letting Clever Alchemist give me the necessary Health to survive.

I have also been inspired by oldschool players who also ran Clever Alchemist on Stamblades and the way they utilized it.
For example Jeff from PC EU who used this set to set massive pressure on targets by using his Potion right after his first Incap, so he could retain the proc for a second Incap that would act as a finisher, leading to an almost unsurvivable pressure.

The Build is obviously not optimal and might struggle in certain situations, that doesn't change the fact that it's highly viable and it's absolutely the funniest and most ridiculous thing to play.

Seeing as things turn out for Nightblades, this build might not be viable next patch and I might not update this build for elsweyr patch depending on how severe the nerfs to Stamblades Burst potential will turn out to be. Seeing as we might lose 16% flat damage, Medium Nightblade might turn out to be too weak as it's burst damage won't be high enough to keep up with the ever so growing Tank Meta.

Thank you all for reading this wall of text, hope you enjoyed!

Special Thanks go to @Arya who helped me write this Forum Post! Love you!
Check out his Youtube channel here!


This Build has more Damage than ur usual Ganking Build LOL
Edited by TheRealSniker on April 4, 2019 10:46PM
  • ConstanKar
    Hmm, I usually play bow/bow on my stamNB in pvp but I guess that I will try this build. Very informative post!!!
    Best leecher EU
    The one and only Älg
    Nikel belongs to the Pact!

  • fullheartcontainer
    Thanks I hate it
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