I will start this with a question just in case my view is off the mark.
Is it not true that we are mere soldiers rather than owners of these Royal assets such as Castles etc?
If so, then why are we being asked to PAY for the materials to repair these assets on top of the effort required to pound those nails, lift and place those stones and that's after risking life and limb on the battle fields!
Can we not lose the personal payment regardless it being in AP or gold --or, at least balance the books and allow equal AP reward for using the materials we bought as we repair not downstream on some grand offensive or defensive maneuver.
How bloody petty are these so called royal entities anyways if they cant even pay for the materials their soldiers use!!
When I 1st entered Cyrodiil that's all I did was go around and optimize the strength of these assets and that offered me the time to get into the rhythm and how things roll here. I would think it possible more players may find as I did, that PVP in this game on this map is far far beyond what I thought it was and I'm glad I arrived and I'm still a major pve'er.
I did though knowing I could gain some AP through this support avenue but crap! The cost makes no sense regardless if one is rolling in countless APs.
Just my 2 cents