Dungeon Finder - Someone Declined - for more then 1 hour

Soul Shriven
I have been trying to queue for dungeon with my friend and Solo and for the past two days, i keep getting the message someone has declined after the ready check, it happens continuously for over an hour (until i get fed up and leave the game), and in some cases, i get the message "unable to queue at this time" and then cant queue for anything

i am wondering if the problem is from my side? or some bug that i got stuck with? my lag is around 160-170ms, i know its not great, but shouldn't cause such problems.

thank you in advance for your feedback and suggestions
  • Dragneel1207
    the dungeon finder is bugged atm
    we q with 4 ppl even then it said
    someone declined
    and i asked everyone all said they accepted
  • Najoxx
    Soul Shriven
    ahhh, thank you, i was about to lose my mind trying to figure out whats the problem

    i hope Dev team is on it and its fixed soon
  • ArenGesus
    Najoxx wrote: »
    ahhh, thank you, i was about to lose my mind trying to figure out whats the problem

    i hope Dev team is on it and its fixed soon

    Soon I imagine you'll be able to "buy a group" package in the crown store for about 15 bucks. They don't improve the base game unless you have more money.
  • TheGreatBlackBear
    the dungeon finder is bugged atm
    we q with 4 ppl even then it said
    someone declined
    and i asked everyone all said they accepted

    Someone lied to you.
  • thedovahmon
    ArenGesus wrote: »
    Najoxx wrote: »
    ahhh, thank you, i was about to lose my mind trying to figure out whats the problem

    i hope Dev team is on it and its fixed soon

    Soon I imagine you'll be able to "buy a group" package in the crown store for about 15 bucks. They don't improve the base game unless you have more money.

    "Voted most likely to reply with a reaction image. According to the Mournhold High School Yearbook."
  • Aralon
    I have been getting the same issue. I have just moved from the Xbox to PC EU. So far, I have been riddled with random lag spikes and this. Only game I have issues with!
  • Mathius_Mordred
    Please see the long running thread on this page.

    It is a bug in the game made worse at busy times. All four people can synchronise their acceptance on Discord and it still gives the decline message, we did this last night, all were accepting, you see the message "Forming group" which means all must have accepted, then you get the decline error. It seems ZOS are unable to fix this considering how long it has been going on. Let's see what happens in the dungeon week of the 5 year anniversary, should be fun, already ordered popcorn.
    Edited by Mathius_Mordred on April 3, 2019 9:28AM
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  • Kombinator
    They can't afford to keep a bug like that too long. It drives away the paying customers too, and they are important.
  • Mathius_Mordred
    Ha, well their forums have just gone down for 30 min as well. Seems ZOS should pay for a better ISP.
    Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at https://skyrimredshirts.co.ukJoin Skyrim Red Shirts. Free trader. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama-free social group enjoying PVE questing, PvP, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
  • Blacksmoke
    Najoxx wrote: »
    ahhh, thank you, i was about to lose my mind trying to figure out whats the problem

    i hope Dev team is on it and its fixed soon

    Yeah been hoping that for a year now. I'm sure they are right on top of it!
    Champion point: 645
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  • John_Falstaff
    Please see the long running thread on this page.

    It is a bug in the game made worse at busy times. All four people can synchronise their acceptance on Discord and it still gives the decline message, we did this last night, all were accepting, you see the message "Forming group" which means all must have accepted, then you get the decline error. It seems ZOS are unable to fix this considering how long it has been going on. Let's see what happens in the dungeon week of the 5 year anniversary, should be fun, already ordered popcorn.

    That's because in all likelihood, it's not even a bug. There's nothing to fix there. "Someone declined", even in premade groups, is the server's coquettish way of telling you that it's out of resources and couldn't create dungeon instance for your group. But of course, "we're aware of the bug and heroically trying to localize and fix it" sounds much better than "our server can't handle the load, but you see, we're too greedy to reduce our revenues by spending money on infrastructure, so deal with it".
  • todokete
    So it's working as intended?
  • InvictusApollo
    I've had this problem several times lately. I have a bad feeling for the upcoming dungeon event.
  • Suddwrath
    This has been happening to me more frequently as well even during non-peak hours. Hopefully they manage to fix whatever is going on before the dungeon week of the anniversary event.
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