With the announcement of locking players into a faction for 30 days the following threat comes with it. This is the possibility that the alliance you choose will be on high/locked population where the other two are low pop. What usually happens at this point is that several people that don't care about which faction wins the campaign but just want to play the game and thus want to do some actual PvP instead of zerging down empty keeps change their alliance. Where this faction lock should balance the AvAvA out it will for previous mentioned reason only make it worse.
Now that being said there is another big issue with the mentality in Cyrodill in general. Since the implementation of resources and keeps granting ticks people are just zerging down keeps and resources not even being bothered about the enemies in the keep/resource tower. Because why would they I mean killing someone outnumbered grants less AP than zerging down a resource and doesn't contribute to the faction points received. Therefore I would suggest the following change to create a shift in this mentality and make PvP about PvP again:
1. Not only resources, keeps and scrolls held grant faction points also when killing an enemy you earn points for your alliance. This will also allow factions that are lower in numbers but more experienced players to actually provide decent point for their faction not by just capping resources but by actually PvPing.
2. Alliance points gained from killing enemies doubled and alliance points gained from capping keeps/resources halved.