VaranisArano wrote: »The same comments also indicated that separating faction from character selection is harder than it seems.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Their reply to all changes is that they are harder than they seem. At some point the reply needs to change from being "oh ok" to something a bit less forgiving. Eso could be a great game but the reluctance to make changes which are hard and pander to the clueless is just making the game worse every patch.
No, just let us pvp on our characters the way we have for the last 5 YEARS
I agree. Alliance selection is also something you don't just do because it's fashionable. There's lore, community, and gameplay reasons to select your faction, something you don't have to worry about with class selection.
Offering faction tokens would cheapen that selection process and water down the game's lore in a way. If you need to play with friends, raise an alt (which should be easier if your already at CP and they will be offering skyshard in the crownstore so even easier to be combat ready).
However, being locked to a faction for life is super unrealistic and detracts from immersion. In reality, people defect and change sides. The allies would never have won world war 2 had the German scientists been forced to remain loyal to, and work for the axis powers.
If the devs were to invest the time into making this, I would def hope to see a very long cooldown or even a lifetime limit of 1-2 alliance switches per character.
The notion of splitting the alliance choice into starting (character creation) and defecting (PvP) might be a potential route for easier coding. Let’s hope the dev’s chime in on this issue in light of the upcoming changes and locks.
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »
It's a matter of project time. Would you rather them spend time developing ANOTHER item for the crown store or fixing bugs and improving the back end code?
However, being locked to a faction for life is super unrealistic and detracts from immersion. In reality, people defect and change sides. The allies would never have won world war 2 had the German scientists been forced to remain loyal to, and work for the axis powers.
If the devs were to invest the time into making this, I would def hope to see a very long cooldown or even a lifetime limit of 1-2 alliance switches per character.
The notion of splitting the alliance choice into starting (character creation) and defecting (PvP) might be a potential route for easier coding. Let’s hope the dev’s and @ZOS_BrianWheeler chime in on this issue in light of the upcoming changes and locks.
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »
It's a matter of project time. Would you rather them spend time developing ANOTHER item for the crown store or fixing bugs and improving the back end code?