So, there is a problem with some class passives, this is a bit of a continuation from my topic about class unique buffs, but looking at some passive recently, i thought, wow why did i never make a post about this? Some of eso passives just straight out suck.
Examples, for sorc
Rebate, which gives you 1.4 k mag when your pet is unsummoned or killed, absolute trash passive since you don;t want your pets to die, your pets will mostly not die, and the only use out of this is atro when it despawns, it gives you 1.4k magicka, wow that really helped me sustain...
Expert summoner, is only useful if you have a pet, and even then it's not that great, not really a bad passive, but the problem i have with this one is that it only works if you have a pet active.
Blood magic, is meh, borderline bad, self heal, but not really any good, this will not really help you much.
Persistance, good for tanking i guess, but nothing else, a more comprehensive passive would be better.
Exploitation, only procs if you use a dark magic ability, which you will not use as stam sorc, or pet sorc, and probably nothing aside from magicka sorc with crystal fragments, make this skill useful for every role.
Spear wall is not bad, but duration might be a little too short
Balanced warrior is good, but should provide spell damage as well as weapon damage, problem is that this is much more useful for stamina compared to magicka.
enduring rays is pretty meh.
Illuminate, i never played tank or healer, but i know for a fact that both dd and healer proc this, because all of them use at least 1 dawn's wrath ability, don;t know for tank, might need a readjustment there.
restoring light is focused for healer, but it does provide some good utility even for dd and tank.
Executioner, pretty trash passive, nothing else to say, kinda like rebate, but a bit better, still trash though.
Hemorrhage unlike pretty much all other will proc from each and every setup, because you will always crit at least once every 20 sec, so there is nothing to worry about, even if you are heal or tank.
Aside from hemmorage nb passive are solid, probably the best out of any class.
Combustion is very good, but the stamina regen is not very good, because poison doesn;t proc nearly as much as burning.
Burning heart is pretty good, but a bit too focused on tanks, would be good to have it do something for other playstiles as well.
Same thing for elder dragon, although a pretty good passive, the range on abilities is also pretty decent.
Mountain's blessing, same problem as minor prophecy, requires you to use a ability from that skilline, which some roles do not use.
Healping hands is not very good, somewhat decent for pvp i guess is some occasions, but even then, 900 stam isn;t gonna save the day, it;s gonna be barely noticeable.
Unlike rebate, Bond with nature procs from skills like sub assault and bird making it already much better, as those are your spammables, meaning that they will proc a lot, not an amazing self heal, but not bad either.
Green balance passives, are basically useless in pve for anything aside healing, in pvp they have more applications for other setups, but considering that templar skills have some use for every setup in both pvp and pve, i find these passives to be just worse overall, and the minor toughness, just sucks honestly, it's a passive that got taken away from warhorn to make it "unique" and cannot compare to it's counterparts, i would take 10 % weapon damage or 6 % crit anyday over 10 % health, especially considering this was once in warhorn.
Glacial presence is actually a slight dps gain, not bad, but probably a pain in the ass in pvp.
Frozen armor, focused for tank, fine, not really any use for stamwarden though.
icy aura, decent
Piercing cold, Very good, but no stamina counterpart.
Edited by JinMori on March 29, 2019 9:16PM