Trash it
I may not be reading correctly but it seems OP is asking to be able to have 5 summons in one build. That does not seem to be a reasonable expectation since none of the two summons classes we currently have can get anywhere near that. about... having them denied membership in the psijic order just for kicks and immersion?Reinfarcements wrote: »Suggestions for Necromancer class
...but all those suggestions should wait until we have the -final- version of the class, AND some months of seeing how it -actually- performs in cyrodil and trial runs, and everything.Reinfarcements wrote: »I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with the Necro...
I may not be reading correctly but it seems OP is asking to be able to have 5 summons in one build. That does not seem to be a reasonable expectation since none of the two summons classes we currently have can get anywhere near that.
TheShadowScout wrote: »...but all those suggestions should wait until we have the -final- version of the class, AND some months of seeing how it -actually- performs in cyrodil and trial runs, and everything.
THEN we can start the whining, because that will be the time where the people at ZOS are going to be collecting info to find out what they need to nerf and what they want to buff...
So... this discussion... seeya in a bit?
Reinfarcements wrote: »I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with the Necro. I expected the Necro to have options like the Sorc to have zero pets and be completely viable. But I also expected someone who wanted to maximize their pets, make the best pet build possible, picking a skill here and there out of all the skill trees, would be able to have more than 2 minions. And only one of those even does damage, the other is a healer. So yeah, having even less actual pets (the bomber is just a projectile spell at the end of the day if we are honest) than the Sorc that fight for you, kinda ruined my entire idea about the Necro. And to be clear I DO NOT want to take away Necro builds that have zero pets, I know many people want to do that and thats cool.
So here are my suggestions that can be implemented without changing too much of what the current skills are:
-Make one or both of the Morphs of Skeletal mage recast-able, and upon doing so will summon a second Skeletal Mage. Any recast from that point on will reset the summons time.
-Make room for a Skeletal Warrior summon. Whether this be replacing Skeletal Bomber, or replacing one of the Skeletal Bomber morphs, or even replace a different skill altogether. Have the morph do the same as suggested Skeletal Mage morph (recast-able to get second summon and from then on recast resets timer)
-Have the healing summon recast-able to reset the timer as well
If these changes were made, that is 5 summons for a high level Necro that could be potentially sustained throughout combat provided you are gaining enough resources. This would make the class feel 100 times better for people wanting to make a pet build out of it, and it makes minimal changes to the current skills (Minimal changes 2 morphs and adds recast to Mender. Maximum changes one morph, replaces a skill, and adds recast to Mender). Obviously all statistical balance changes to damage numbers, resource cost, ect. Are up to the Devs.
I feel like that is a fair compromise between those who love the way the Necro is now, and those who wanted more of a possible pet build.
SilverIce58 wrote: »
SilverIce58 wrote: »
/slap shut up , the changes should be made BEFORE EVEN CLASS COME , it never happen when class release and then boom they change big stuff in it in 1 week like adding skill/morph , how that hard to understand people ? its like back cake and ask the chief to change its flavor
Reinfarcements wrote: »I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with the Necro. I expected the Necro to have options like the Sorc to have zero pets and be completely viable. But I also expected someone who wanted to maximize their pets, make the best pet build possible, picking a skill here and there out of all the skill trees, would be able to have more than 2 minions. And only one of those even does damage, the other is a healer. So yeah, having even less actual pets (the bomber is just a projectile spell at the end of the day if we are honest) than the Sorc that fight for you, kinda ruined my entire idea about the Necro. And to be clear I DO NOT want to take away Necro builds that have zero pets, I know many people want to do that and thats cool.
So here are my suggestions that can be implemented without changing too much of what the current skills are:
-Make one or both of the Morphs of Skeletal mage recast-able, and upon doing so will summon a second Skeletal Mage. Any recast from that point on will reset the summons time.
-Make room for a Skeletal Warrior summon. Whether this be replacing Skeletal Bomber, or replacing one of the Skeletal Bomber morphs, or even replace a different skill altogether. Have the morph do the same as suggested Skeletal Mage morph (recast-able to get second summon and from then on recast resets timer)
-Have the healing summon recast-able to reset the timer as well
If these changes were made, that is 5 summons for a high level Necro that could be potentially sustained throughout combat provided you are gaining enough resources. This would make the class feel 100 times better for people wanting to make a pet build out of it, and it makes minimal changes to the current skills (Minimal changes 2 morphs and adds recast to Mender. Maximum changes one morph, replaces a skill, and adds recast to Mender). Obviously all statistical balance changes to damage numbers, resource cost, ect. Are up to the Devs.
I feel like that is a fair compromise between those who love the way the Necro is now, and those who wanted more of a possible pet build.
david_m_18b16_ESO wrote: »Sorc used to be unic beeing the only pet class. Then warden came and got pet. If necro had permanent pet it would be silly for sorc.
Its like if the 2 new class had invis from NB or wings from DK.
P.S. bee8ng able to spam pets is pretty much the same as permanant pet.
Well ita a bit worst since its the way necro works in D3.
ZoS is on the right track. Sorc is the 'summon pet' class. Necromancer should be unique, not a sorc doppleganger.