Hello there. I'm a long time player whose in a need of a trading guild. I found Yggurz Strongbow's cart in Alinor and tracked you all down to this forum post.
Would love an invite when there is a vacancy. @Penarddun <--- in game
Do you have a discord?
Would love an invite if there is an opening @dipso.o (in-game ID) Thanks!
Would love an invite @Menstruum
Hello, Can I have an invite please @Hiroko33 Thank you!
Hi, could I get an invite please @Bobak
CowboyJim93 wrote: »
Message me here or in game @vhalkyrie
CowboyJim93 wrote: »I'll shoot you a message in game when I get home from work.
CowboyJim93 wrote: »@Higuchi yeah must be some kinda bug. Still haven't received it yet. I'm going to try logging in and out see it that helps