Coldharbour’s Favorite (craftable)
(2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
(3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
(4 items) Adds 129 Spell Damage, adds 129 Weapon Damage
(5 items) When you heal yourself or an ally, summon Cadwell’s noble mount, Honor, who after 2 seconds, casts a healing spell on you and your allies around him that heals for 12800 Health over 4 seconds. When you damage an enemy, summon Cadwell’s noble mount, Honor, who after 2 seconds, explodes, damaging enemies around him for 12800 Magic Damage over 4 seconds. Honor can only be summoned once every 10 seconds.
So a new craftable procset, and by the looks of it one of the most overpowered ones so far. On demand AOE HOT or AOE DOT depending on your need, and it will proc 4 seconds after its effect ends. Because ESO really needs even more powerful procsets.