Thank you, ESO for the best PvP experience ever!

Thank you, ESO for the best PvP experience ever!

Since you started to make updates, not fixing the load screens (yes, they still happen), constant crashes in game, huge lag caused by stacking players in one area (or when you have a particular guild assembling 80+ players in the same area, casting ultimate making the server crash), I was able to spend my time with my family, doing home work, cooking dinner and so.

I stopped spending money on this game with the silly hope you will for TRUE fix the server crashing like that. We all know it's not profitable to touch the issue because you guys are making money from small details and more updates.

The game is not bad, mostly because of people playing. But the lack of attention to the PvP will bring sure doom in no time. This is not new, I know. Several people from the community have addressed that already but the team keep ignoring that and releasing more costumes and things you can buy on crown store.

So far, I do not recommend this game to any of my friends because they mainly enjoy PvP.
  • Savos_Saren

    You're not wrong. You could always go on various gaming websites like MMORPG.COM (where ZOS gets it's "Game of the Year" claim) and post a review. Add videos and commentary so that new players can see what we're dealing with.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • russelmmendoza

    You're not wrong. You could always go on various gaming websites like MMORPG.COM (where ZOS gets it's "Game of the Year" claim) and post a review. Add videos and commentary so that new players can see what we're dealing with.

    Oh dang I might start doing this.

    Thank you for your great suggestions.

    They wont listen to us, maybe other people will.

    Im gonna start recording those constant lag spike and crash to login screen shiitt fest.
  • MirkoZ
    Make a video in which you compare the difference between primetime gameplay and morning gameplay
  • Liww
    it's also due to the festival's pvp achievement(moreso it rewarding a title), but tbf i've been laggy near keeps and with more then 10 players nearby since the DB event started, which was the week before WS went live on console.

    Cyro dolmens aswel, those are a guaranteed drop to 5 fps, even riding past them when they trigger during primetime it's extremely noticable. i've also been struck with minute long lag spikes after a keep 'grows' one of it's corners which makes me think it's also a spawning in issue wether that be npcs or objects/animations of.
  • Commancho
    My daily PVP (BG) experience is:
    1. Queue for 5 mins.
    2. Get a team of NB snipers and crap mode like Chaos Ball against pre-made pro groups prepared for this mode.
    3. Waste 15 mins of my life to see my team getting totally rekt to get 10k AP.
    4. Rinse and repeat.
    5. Rinse and repeat.
    6. Get interesting mode, good team, almost win the match, then get D/C, 18 mins ban and no rewards.
  • Squeaky_Clean
    Liww wrote: »
    it's also due to the festival's pvp achievement(moreso it rewarding a title), but tbf i've been laggy near keeps and with more then 10 players nearby since the DB event started, which was the week before WS went live on console.
    I strongly disagree that the event is the cause of the problems. It may aggravate the lag situation, but the problems on PC EU started at the end of January.

    In addition, with ZOS' curent schedule of events and festivals there's hardly a day without one. If that means more players active in the game, then ZOS needs to take precautions accordingly, e.g. providing more/better servers or investing more heavily into code optimization. The current state of the game in PVP is not acceptable. Period.

    P.S.: I would to encourage people to state their server/region/campaign when reporting this kind of problems. PC EU Vivec is where I am playing most of the time.

  • ChunkyCat
    People have been saying this for years, yet the game is still going.
  • Tan9oSuccka
    I agree. Improvements are needed, though a tip.

    Don’t get too worked up about it. You’ll have more fun that way.

    I got a load screen in combat the other night. In combat...while airborne on a leap.

    Came back dead. Just laughed about it.

  • Alienoutlaw
    can honestly say i Enjoy PvP, yeah it can be laggy and very frustrating when guilds run a crash zerg, but on the whole a good experience, i would rather ZoS fix the ball bots and stop the porting into keeps glitch and the cheats running external scripts.
    i also play Vivec on PC EU
  • Alienoutlaw
    also to add, would be a good idea to introduce a cool down for swapping alliances in the same campaign in the same session
  • Mayrael
    Yesterday was tragic, you see 170 ping but skills are casted after 2000ms (thank you ball groups, whole Cyrodiil is very thankful, I know you don't do it by purpose but still you cause it), it's even worse for magicka users since their defences are skill based (roll dodging and blocking is not an option) and are affected by GCD and all that clumsiness... but ZOS doesn't give a f. about that, they always just "investigate" the issues while all we see is worsening state of performance with each so called "maintenance".
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • NyassaV
    I agree. Improvements are needed, though a tip.

    Don’t get too worked up about it. You’ll have more fun that way.

    I got a load screen in combat the other night. In combat...while airborne on a leap.

    Came back dead. Just laughed about it.

    first time you laugh

    second time it's an uneasy laugh

    third time ti happens you're over it
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Mr_Snuggle
    I have submitted a dozen support tickets about the lag. ZoS support confirmed that they haven't heard of any other players experiencing lag in Cyrodiil and believe it is a firewall and or port forwarding issue and then subsequently wore me down through weeks worth of KB articles, sending them log files etc. I eventually just stopped responding since my available time is finite.
  • cairo_x
    And again just right now.... logged in, had a fight with 1 red on Vive, NA. 5 seconds frozen, 999 ping, speed attack, managed to surrive, proceeded on on a 200 ping fight (it's the usual), then again 5 seconds frozen, 999 ping, crashed.

    I was doing okay in the keep without any fight but then when I walked to BM mine to prevent it to flip, just 1 red crashed me.
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