Thank you, ESO for the best PvP experience ever!
Since you started to make updates, not fixing the load screens (yes, they still happen), constant crashes in game, huge lag caused by stacking players in one area (or when you have a particular guild assembling 80+ players in the same area, casting ultimate making the server crash), I was able to spend my time with my family, doing home work, cooking dinner and so.
I stopped spending money on this game with the silly hope you will for TRUE fix the server crashing like that. We all know it's not profitable to touch the issue because you guys are making money from small details and more updates.
The game is not bad, mostly because of people playing. But the lack of attention to the PvP will bring sure doom in no time. This is not new, I know. Several people from the community have addressed that already but the team keep ignoring that and releasing more costumes and things you can buy on crown store.
So far, I do not recommend this game to any of my friends because they mainly enjoy PvP.