Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

MAIN QUEST STUCK - No banekin for Tharn Speaks in main quest after completing Elsweyr preview

  • javajedi
    This is still a problem. I was about to submit a ticket when I came across this thread. I have a character I had created with the release of Elsweyr and had completed Castle of the Worm a few days ago but I could not get the banekin to appear to trigger the start of the The Tharn Speaks. I had hoped this week's patch fixed did not.

    I rode past the area in Stonefalls where the main quests trigger several times and nothing. I visited the Mages guild in Davon's Watch and tried visiting the other zones where main quest starts for other alliances. Nothing.

    After reading this thread, I checked and sure enough I did have The Demon Weapon in my quest journal which I had not even started but apparently picked up inadvertently. I abandoned the quest and rode back just now to the spot where 5 minutes ago the banekin wouldn't appear and POOF there he was and The Tharn Speaks started.

    The Demon Weapon quest is definitely STILL blocking The Tharn Speaks from starting in the Main Quest.
  • Windir1985
    I can also confirm that this issue still exists. I was also searching all over the place for the quest starter until I found this thread. After abandoning The Demon Weapon , the banekin was there immediately.
  • maboleth
    It doesn't make sense though that the main character (Abnur) is on 2 locations at once. I mean, you either complete his main quest or another.

    It looks like the game is restricting that behaviour. I can't see the fault that, It's unfortunate, yes, but abandoning TDW quest is a way to go, lore and story wise.
    This is different than initial bug that prevented people to carry on with the main story if they completed the prologue.
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    Same thing. This is still not fixed. It's been weeks that this has persisted and nothing from ZOS. Not a word. So many bugs and no fixes. What gives ZOS?
  • ChimpyChumpy
    I'm so glad this thread exists. I just got to level 25 and wondered why I didn't get this quest. I just started playing eso a week ago when I bought Elseweyr. I wanted to start from the beginning so went to the beginning area for the covenant, when I got to Daggerfall I started the demon weapon quest not realizing it was the prologue.

    When I started researching the questline order I realized demon weapon was a later quest and stopped but didn't abondon it. I found this thread just now so I abandoned the quest but didn't get it right away I had to quit, logged back in and got it immediately.

    If you complete demon weapon are you blocked from doing the main quest period?
  • carthalis
    Was having this problem as well with a new character I created for Elseweyr and couldn't understand why I wasn't getting any more quests after rescuing Abnur Tharn, had the demon weapon quest and then came across this thread when looking for solutions.
  • Jacozilla
    [snip] and confirming - could not get Tharn Speaks to start.

    Logout, port, whatever, 100% blocked. Read posts above which saved me, noticed I had Demon Weapon quest in journal so abandoned it, and presto - banekin instantly appeared next time I approached Daggerfall and gave me Tharn Speaks quest.

    The dev note on first page this thread said they were working on fix..../sarcasm on - still working on it zos?

    [edited for thread bumping]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on March 27, 2022 5:53PM
  • bobdrad
    I also had the Demon Weapon quest, and the Tharn Speaks quest would not start. Abandoned Demon Weapon, and it started immediately. So the bug still exists, but there's an easy workaround at least
    Edited by bobdrad on June 23, 2019 6:13AM
  • tjakopanb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Can confirm that this is still an issues and I got the quest pop up as soon as I abandoned the Demaon Weapon quest.
  • Aznarb
    Can confirm that this is still an issues and I got the quest pop up as soon as I abandoned the Demaon Weapon quest.

    I'm glad to find that thread, got the same problem with my new char.
    Dropped the "demon weapon" make the trick for me too.
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  • blackwolf1066_1b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Still bugged - huge thanks to whoever found the solution. Appalling sign that its still bugged after over 3 months. Support zero help.
  • Crapgame
    Can confirm: Same thing happened to me. Today (7/21/19), I abandoned Demon Weapon and Tharn Speaks started almost immediately. I had been struggling with this issue for days.
  • Kara
    Wow am I happy to have found this thread! Same thing still happening, I guess.
  • IanTurnbull
    Soul Shriven
    I am also happy to see this. As o today, 7/26/2019 it's still not fixed. I had to abandon The Daemon Weapon quest and it worked.
  • winged_tortoise
    Me too!
    Thanks for the tip! I dropped the Deamon Weapon Quest and I’m on track again.

    Are they going to fix this?
    Edited by winged_tortoise on August 2, 2019 6:03PM
  • DusdrarlunThunder
    Hey all,

    We're aware of the issue and planning a fix for an upcoming incremental.

    4 months old and I'm still having this problem.
  • DusdrarlunThunder
    Me too!
    Thanks for the tip! I dropped the Deamon Weapon Quest and I’m on track again.

    Are they going to fix this?

    I dropped ALL of my Elswyr quest and I still can't get this Banekin to show up.
  • redlink1979
    I abadoned the Demon Weapon quest and that allowed the banekin to show up. You still need to go to Arborage's door, come back and head to Daggerfall gate in order to the banekin to spawn. I advise all to do the same until ZOS fixs this.
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  • nisha13
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you! I didn't even realize I had the Demon Weapon quest in my log. Once I dropped it, left Davon's Watch and came back and it triggered instantly.
  • KillingUGirl
    Same issue even months later.
  • adirondack
    It is now Oct 2019 and this bug is still around. Simply amazing. One wonders why we have faith in ZOS telling us "it will be addressed in a future patch".

    Yeah right.
  • tyggerbob
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert
    This was fixed shortly after the Boston E3 event, but it appears to have been broken again shortly after.
    I realized having the two quests active is kind of a niche case, but it appears to continue to be an issue for people.
    I just wanted to @ you in case you missed the continuation of this thread months later.
  • pgorbas_ESO
    I am having a similar problem, but for me I have not even gotten the "Castle of the Worm" quest yet. I have no Main Quest in the quest log. I was right in front of the hermitage, and when I go inside both the Prophet and Lyris are there, and both talk about Tharn, but the Main quest doesn't show up again, and I don't know how to proceed.

    I also had the Demon Weapon Quest Active, but canceling it and restarting did not help.

    Note that this is 6 months after initial reports and nearly 1 month after the last gur reported the issue on Oct 3rd (today 29Nov2019) , but I know know the missing quest probably was "Castle of the Worm". As I said I was already in front of the Hermitage, but as soon as I rode back into "Vulkhel Guard", the "Castle of the Worm" quest started again.

    Appalled that this issue is STILL bugged, but so glad this thread is still active and helpful!
  • Threemoons
    Okay, I don't even HAVE The Demon Weapon active--I abandoned it ages ago...and I still can't find the banekin/quest won't start! This is APPALLING. Please fix! EDIT: Well the Demon Weapon was listed in Grahtwood. Abandoned it, got the banekin, but now the marker is pointing me to the Outlaw's Refuge, where there is nobody, and nobody at the Mage's Guild. UGH.
    Edited by Threemoons on January 3, 2020 2:55AM
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • Cronopoly
    Nearly a year later and this is still broken. I've had this problem on 3 or 4 toons the last 2 months. (Xbox)
    Today i decided to try the forums to see if I was the only one. I'll try abandoning the Demon Weapon quest and see what happens >_<
  • Merrien
    It is DEFINITELY still broken. I was on a new character and going crazy trying to figure out where that banekin was. I googled, abandoned the "demon weapon" quest, and boom, banekin pops up. Glad there's something players can do to help the problem, but it's ...okay, guys, it's been a year. That's a heckuva incremental fix.
  • de-javu
    The Tharn Speaks, DC toon Necromancer, which starts in N. Elsweyr, trick is to remove all Elsweyr quests in your toons quest journel when I did that and logged off the back on the dedra spoke to me and Tharn was then present in the mages guild of Daggerfall and the main quest “The Tharn Speaks” was back in the quest journal.
  • MilwaukeeScott
    I am on PS4NA

    It is May 10th, 2020

    I had to delete the Demon Weapon quest to continue the main quest line chapter 3.5.


    All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....
  • Threemoons
    I am on PS4NA

    It is May 10th, 2020

    I had to delete the Demon Weapon quest to continue the main quest line chapter 3.5.


    I still can't believe that they haven't fixed this yet!
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • Shadowshire
    Threemoons wrote: »
    I am on PS4NA

    It is May 10th, 2020

    I had to delete the Demon Weapon quest to continue the main quest line chapter 3.5.


    I still can't believe that they haven't fixed this yet!

    Yeah, I filed my bug report about the situation -- since I received no solution from Support -- on 9 May 2020:

    Cannot Continue With Main Quest -- No Support Conclusion (?)

    After I abandoned the Elsweyr prologue quest, the "banekin" appeared as I described in the last post on that thread.

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
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