I've always felt like there was a discrepancy in skills between magicka and stamina, but I never knew what that discrepancy looked like, so I decided to go through each skill for every class, guild, and skill trees to see how many magicka skills and stamina skills are in the game. I pulled this information from fextralife.
To define a few terms for this post, base skill refers to the unmorphed version of that skill. When I evaluated the total skills, I included both the base skills and the morphed skills. Magicka skills refer to skills that cost magicka to use, stamina skills refer to skills that cost stamina to use, and other skills refer to skills that are either free to cast or use health when casting. I broke down these skills per class, per guild, and for other skill categories. If you don't want to look at each group, I've included a summary at the end so you can see the total number of the skills.
Base Magicka Skills: 15
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 40
Totals Stamina Skills: 4
Total Other Skills: 1
Base Magicka Skills: 15
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 43
Totals Stamina Skills: 2
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 14
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 1
Total Magicka Skills: 36
Totals Stamina Skills: 6
Total Other Skills: 3
Base Magicka Skills: 14
Base Stamina Skills: 1
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 41
Totals Stamina Skills: 4
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 14
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 1
Total Magicka Skills: 39
Totals Stamina Skills: 3
Total Other Skills: 3
Fighters Guild
Base Magicka Skills: 0
Base Stamina Skills: 4
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 0
Totals Stamina Skills: 12
Total Other Skills: 0
Mages Guild
Base Magicka Skills: 3
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 1
Total Magicka Skills: 9
Totals Stamina Skills: 0
Total Other Skills: 3
Base Magicka Skills: 3
Base Stamina Skills: 2
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 8
Totals Stamina Skills: 7
Total Other Skills: 0
Psijic Order
Base Magicka Skills: 3
Base Stamina Skills: 1
Base Other Skills: 1
Total Magicka Skills: 10
Totals Stamina Skills: 2
Total Other Skills: 3
Soul Magic
Base Magicka Skills: 1
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 3
Totals Stamina Skills: 0
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 2
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 6
Totals Stamina Skills: 0
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 1
Base Stamina Skills: 4
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 3
Totals Stamina Skills: 12
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 1
Base Stamina Skills: 3
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 3
Totals Stamina Skills: 9
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 3
Base Stamina Skills: 1
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 9
Totals Stamina Skills: 3
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 1
Base Stamina Skills: 2
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 3
Totals Stamina Skills: 6
Total Other Skills: 0
2 handed
Base Magicka Skills: 0
Base Stamina Skills: 5
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 0
Totals Stamina Skills: 15
Total Other Skills: 0
Sword and Board
Base Magicka Skills: 0
Base Stamina Skills: 5
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 0
Totals Stamina Skills: 15
Total Other Skills: 0
Dual Wield
Base Magicka Skills: 0
Base Stamina Skills: 5
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 0
Totals Stamina Skills: 15
Total Other Skills: 0
Base Magicka Skills: 0
Base Stamina Skills: 5
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 0
Totals Stamina Skills: 15
Total Other Skills: 0
Destruction Staff
Base Magicka Skills: 4
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 1
Total Magicka Skills: 12
Totals Stamina Skills: 0
Total Other Skills: 3
Restoration Staff
Base Magicka Skills: 5
Base Stamina Skills: 0
Base Other Skills: 0
Total Magicka Skills: 15
Totals Stamina Skills: 0
Total Other Skills: 0
Total Base Skills: 142
Total Base Magicka Skills: 99 (~70%)
Total Base Stamina Skills: 38 (~27%)
Total Base Other Skills: 5 (~3%)
Total Skills: 426
Total Magicka Skills: 280 (~66%)
Total Stamina Skills: 130 (~31%)
Total Other Skills: 16 (~4%)
Total Class Base Skills: 75
Total Class Base Magicka Skills: 72 (96%)
Total Class Base Stamina Skills: 1 (~1%)
Total Class Base Other Skills: 2 (~3%)
Total Class Skills: 225
Total Class Magicka Skills: 199 (~88%)
Total Class Stamina Skills: 19 (~8%)
Total Class Other Skills: 7 (~3%)
My Conclusions:
The Good:
The Fighters/Mages Guilds, Vampire/Werewolf, Assault/Support, Undaunted, and Psijic skill lines seem to be well balanced with Magicka and Stamina Skill.
The Bad:
The overall ratio of Magicka to Stamina skills is 2:1. There are twice the number of stamina weapons than magicka. If you remove the weapons from the calculations, the ratio increase to 4:1. This shows an unequal distribution of magicka to stamina skills in this game.
The Ugly:
All classes are HEAVILY weighted towards magicka, in fact, one can argue that all ESO classes are inherently Magicka based. Out of the 75 total class base skills, only 3 were NOT magicka; one was stam (dark exchange - sorc, which is a skill to benefit magicka users), one used health (malevolent offering - NB), and one was free to cast (Betty natch- Warden). Given there is twice the number of stam weapons as magicka, I think it would be reasonable if the classes had a 3 or 4:1 ratio of magicka:stamina skills. However, that is not the case and in fact, the magicka:stamina ratio for class skills is 10.5:1. This supports the common notion that stam classes rely heavily on weapon skills and no class has a real stam identity.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. I'm really curious on your feedback and whether or not you feel the current magicka:stamina skill ratios are okay. I would also be curious on what our class reps think of the class ratios.
Thanks and happy hunting!
Edited by EpicRekkoning on March 23, 2019 11:16PM
Is this a problem (skill related) 18 votes
Yes, there are way too many Magicka skills
Yes, but the game is pretty balanced as is
No, the distribution is fine
No, the game is pretty well balanced

2 votes
I don't know...
1 vote