Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »low importance issue - but put in a ticket so this issue can be addressed.
Knootewoot wrote: »I still don't understand why Goblins were disabled in cyro. It was fun.
It doesn’t work with goblin disguise (shadowsilk gem)
Now is the time to end this inequality. It’s been far too long since goblins have been able to enter cyro and visit their relatives of cracked wood cave, raid amongst their brethren and tear down the walls of human homes.
Give us a goblin option that works in cyro.
1. Race
2. Crown poly
3. Quest poly cyro enabled like skele.
Let us charge into battle on our stick steeds.
Yabba yabba!
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »low importance issue - but put in a ticket so this issue can be addressed.
Being a goblin will never be low importance
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »low importance issue - but put in a ticket so this issue can be addressed.
Being a goblin will never be low importance