OK, we know that the Impresario will no longer stock the berries after this event.
Do we know if she will stock:
a) The Springtide Indrik pet?
b) Cadwell’s Kitchen Arms Style pages?
c) The Indrik feathers?
Will she stock these only until the end of this event, in all future Jester's Festival events, or every time she is available? Cadwell, for example, feels like a Jester-themed style. The Indrik pet, with a Spring-themed name could also be limited.
Knowing this changes all purchase prioritization. For example, I have 3 extra feathers and I'm hoping to make 4. Do I prioritize that (most definitely if feathers too are going bye bye), or do I have to prioritize something else that's expiring?
EDIT: redundancy
Edited by woodsielord on March 21, 2019 11:12PM