I haven't done much bgs since wrathstone came out so sorry if it was already mentioned. I haven't found such thread.
Is anybody else having hard time breaking free after the latest patches? I could be having full stamina and would still sit the whole duration on multiple occasions.
And its not just breaking free, it seems like block and dodge are not working correctly. A few times last night in BGs i noticed i got stunned through my block and dodge.
Also did they raise the damage? I am pretty tanky but some sorcs take me down from 100 to 0 in 2 seconds. I am not sure how to fight them back as i die before i even reach them. And even if i do reach them i am already in execute range. And since block and dodge are unreliable and resistance doesn't seem to help i am kinda lost to what should i do. They also tend to run in organized groups of similar builds with a dk that won't let me move while both zaaning me to death. Any tips?
Edited by Demra on March 19, 2019 2:44PM