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Altoholics Anomymous

Good morning/afternoon all -

This is my first post here and I’ll keep it brief. My name is Janoy and I struggle with altoholism. I have a stamina & magicka version of all classes except nightblade and often end up playing a minor amount of everything, instead of mastering one. I’ve reached a point where I would like to dedicate myself to one (maybe two) classes, and don’t want to necessarily just pick the most powerful.

So my question for you all is what makes a certain class a “main” for you?

Looking forward to your responses, thank you!
  • Sungod
    I "main" magicka Templar because I love the burst heal and cheap purge it gives me. I have a harder time with other classes that don't have access to the same kind of healing.
  • Iskiab
    NB maghealer is fun.

    A healer having cloak, major evasion, a big burst heal and a nice healing ultimate makes it fun. PvP healing is fun because you’re the primary target of all the other teams. If eating ultimates is your thing then you might like pvp healing.

    I like NBs best because of the speed and cloak.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Minyassa
    My main is my longstanding favorite RP character imported into this game from the original setting, so that's why he's my main. The downside to that being just established habit for me is that the original is a D&D fighter/magic-user which means I always pick whatever is the magical class for him in whatever game I import him to, and if it ends up not being a particularly fun class, I have to kind of make do. As a result I am working with stamsorc in this incarnation and while it's not awful, it's not my favorite class to play.

    However! I have 14 others to play with if I get into the mood to play something else, so I'm not complaining. ;) For some reason I played NBs last, I guess I just thought that would be a harder one to play and I feel like I would've learned a lot more about the game more quickly if I'd played NBs first! I like them all, though, and I love to experiment with different types and roles in each class, and the effect of playing different races. Honestly I won't have enough alts until they've given us 216 character slots (tank, healer, magdps & stamdps in 6 classes in 9 races)...wait, make that 432 because I want male and female versions of each, and then a handful of vamps and WWs in varying races and roles, so we can round that up to about 450. That would surely be enough. Yeah.
  • MannKurt
    Leave 1 character that u enjoy the most and delete others
  • Casul
    My main is a warden, essentially before Morrowind I had the same problem with alts. Then I figured that once morrowind dropped I was going to stick to a warden and play everything the game had to offer. And that’s how I ended up with a warden as my main.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Starlight_Knight
    MannKurt wrote: »
    Leave 1 character that u enjoy the most and delete others

    This is what i did to fix my alt problem, im glad i did as ive now got much more done. i main a mag warden.
  • jhall03
    Whichever ones have Undaunted unlocked :p

    In all seriousness I don't have a main, and I don't need one. I've accepted that.
  • LurgidBean
    I'm LurgidBean and I'm also an altoholic.

    I'm still struggling with it, but have reduced my usage to a few "mains".

    Committing a certain character to finish out a quest or skill line(s) for random RP reasons, or learning all high $$ blueprints, etc has helped me stick with a few characters longer than I typically do to flesh them out, or get enough skill points,etc . Still haven't gotten to high CP levels this way, though.

    The good suggestions and support in this thread (ignore the obnoxious parts) actually inspired me to try to stick with a character as well, except I want to start a new one! And then it won't be the right class, or the eyes are too close together, or...
    Xbox NA/EU
    "Once I misplaced an entire roast chicken, so this doesn't surprise me."
  • VaranisArano
    My Main is Varanis Arano, my Dunmer MagDK who was my first character and the one I adventured through most of the base game in the company of my SO. She's my crafter, PVE tank, and PVP Healer, so truly my main for almost all content.

    My second most used character is my Dark Brotherhood Silencer, a Breton Stam Sorc, who's my main farmer, thief, murderer, and PVE Damage Dealer.

    My other Alts come and go as I get new roleplaying ideas. The latest was "Altmer Battlemage comes home from Cyrodiil and discovers she has to save Summerset."

    I'm not sure which roleplaying idea I'll go with for Necromancer. I'm leaning towards a Redguard, roleplaying as a jilted colleague/lover of one of the Withered Hand leaders.
    Edited by VaranisArano on March 18, 2019 8:13PM
  • Thogard
    Every patch I do a lot of thinking about what will be strong and what will work, and I play that class as soon as the patch goes live. I have never switched class mid patch but i still play alts to have fun or fill a particular need.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • Iskiab
    You know you don’t actually have to choose one. One of the reasons I started so many alts is because doing crafting dailies on multiple toons is good gold, plus you can do the daily BG and dungeon for good xp.

    I though it would be best to wait to do vet trials seriously until I’m max CP, and refuse to grind CP.

    In the interim I’m learning a lot about other classes which helps in pvp, and can put off the decision on my main until I’m maxed. If I decide I don’t like a toon at 50 I can always repurpose all the skill points into crafting too.

    So far I still go back to my main MagNB as the most fun but magwarden is appealing too.
    Edited by Iskiab on March 18, 2019 9:05PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • ccmedaddy
    I don't think I'll ever have a "main" for as long as I play this game. I get bored playing one character for too long.
  • disintegr8
    As above, no main for me as I couldn't comprehend choosing a character or role to spend most of my time playing - I'd get bored.

    I currently have 21 characters across 2 accounts encompassing most combinations.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • fioskal
    I am not an altoholic. I just have two accounts for um. The extra writ rewards. Yes, that's it! I definitely never touch those characters. Nup, not ever. I don't have a problem. Don't tell me I have a problem!

    EDIT: To answer your question, each patch I main one healer and one mag/stam toon DPS of whatever the best class is at the time. It gives me a chance to vary what I play patch to patch yet focus on that toon and get a strong grounding in it during that specific patch.
    Edited by fioskal on March 18, 2019 10:37PM
    PC - NA
  • KatzMainTank
    Which ever is the most fun and the most familiar. I went with stamina sorc because it filled those two criteria easily for me.

    I had initially made a nb but after a good month or two of trying out stamina sorc I found myself not wanting to play anything else. This was during a time where the total population of stamsorcs could be counted on both hands and pve wise they were not desired at all. Pvp side I think it was fun largely due to players not really knowing how to play against them and pvp being a bit different back then especially for small scale and solo players

    NOW...I am working on magicka night blade and templar because I find them to be fun and very useful for pve. I'm an altaholic as well, with 40+ toons deleted on pc alone not mentioning console alts, and all I can say is play what is fun for you. Any class or setup I find enjoyable to play gets to stay on my roster and there's only 5 so far with one more about on the edge of 50. Everything else is returned to the digital ether.
    EP - V12 - Crafter
    EP - V1 - Stamina NB
    EP - 49 - Stamina Templar
    EP - 46 - StamSorc
    EP - 24 - ManaBlade
    DC - 26 - StamSorc

    PSN: KMT_Drahc
    Left Eye Gang dueling guild recruiter, join us!
  • AngelaWasp
    For me, it's my magwarden for pure fun and enjoyment exploring / adventuring and my stamina nightblade if I feel like doing dungeons, trials, or battlegrounds.
  • SirLeeMinion
    I have 15 fully leveled characters spread across 4 accounts. So, like you OP, I enjoy my alts. My main rotates with the ebb and flow of nerfs and buffs. For the most part, I tend to play whichever class and race combination is somewhat competitive with my limited skill set. At the moment I run pet-sorc for normal and vet trials because I get the best parse out of it. When it comes to difficult solo content, I tend to run a stam-DK WW or stam-blade WW due to the combo of DPS and survivability.

    Next patch, it will likely change again.
  • fred4
    Janoy wrote: »
    So my question for you all is what makes a certain class a “main” for you?
    Easy. I often play solo or in open-world PUGs. Nightblade allows me to pick my fights or to disengage before I get killed. Best solo class IMO, probably followed by sorc. I also discovered that I like speed above all else and, particularly, speed in cloak, therefore I play melee magicka nightblade. Stam DK was my main, the character who did Cadwell's gold and who is my crafter. I'll always be fond of her, but she is terrible for my preferred playstyle.

    I don't do serious PvE, such as the latest vTrials or vDLC dungeons. For the PvE that I do do, vMA, vDSA, n/vDungeon farming, the magplar has become my preferred character. I really only play DDs, but I like that templar also serves others with shards and occasional heals.
    Edited by fred4 on March 19, 2019 9:50AM
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • geonsocal
    hi, my name geo, and, I too am an altoholic...

    15 characters and counting...I'll be adding two necromancers to the mix sometime this year...

    it's tough, I switch between characters fairly often, and, spend most of my time pvping...

    on occasion, if I haven't played a character for a while and jump right in to fighting - the potential for getting absolutely steam rolled is definitely there...

    right now I have 10 max toons on one server and another 5 sub level 50 on the other...I spend most my time playing the 5 sub 50 toons, but, still switch between them fairly often...

    I'm okay with every race/class/playstyle- I'm just not really proficient in any of them...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
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