There’s some new cheese in town. Actually it’s an old skill. No idea why it’s taken so long to become cool. Trapping Webs->Spider Silk
it’s a Synergy. Sources are stating this is good for tanks to run. I’m cool with that. Don’t have a whole lot else to do really anyways.
Don’t really know much about it though? Does this make the tank add DPS? Does this make the DPS have stronger DPS? Maybe should a healer use it too? Does it stack? Does it scale? There was something about using morag tong with it. Who should wear that? Is this good for 4 player content or 12 player stuff? How would you use it? I have many questions.
Over here in console land, no one really seems to know anything. We all live by the “Kill Stuff, Dont Die” motto. It works pretty well usually.
But if there’s something we can do to make things go better, I’m all ears! Like, Using blood alter has come in majorly handy.