I made a character in the Kyne server because I've wanted the Emperor's Regalia outfit for years. The moment the server opened at 7 am my time, I was out there, got in the lead, and got Emp by the evening of the first day of the campaign. My guildies helped me greatly and I am grateful to them.
There's a person there in my faction that's normally in the lead but she does literally nothing. So, if we're taking a resource, she stands to the side without fighting the hostile guards, runs in to get the tick, and is gone to get free AP elsewhere. She'll repair keeps we've taken and runs in to get the tick for keep defense/keep taking but does next to nothing or nothing to actually fight for the keep. She's got spies in groups telling her where the action is so she can leech where it's most profitable. I managed to outrun her in legit mode because I had several hours of a start on her, have been planning this for years and prepared my toon for months with any legal advantage I could think of (got to lvl 28 strictly on skyshard hunting, crown boosts for the horse, accumulated crown tripots from daily grants, excellent lvl 28 gear etc.) and because my whole guild flooded in to help me in the end. My lead over her was 400k and was diminished to 70k when I was crowned; at the speed she was catching up to me, I consider myself lucky to have gotten it at all.
Is what this person doing legitimate? Or is this some form of cheating?
Edited by Quantact on March 17, 2019 10:38PM