My proposal to the combat bug is to just change things so they are ignored entirely. While I agree abilities shouldn't be able to be swapped in combat, quickslots should be swappable in combat, and you should be able to mount in combat.
Quickslots in Combat
Allowing the changing of quickslots in combat can allow for more diverse sieges. Many times, people are caught in combat before they can react. Over the course of extended sieges where you are stuck in combat, it becomes frustrating that you can't slot oils or scatters because you light attacked a person 15 minutes ago. This will help get rid of the players light attacking from siege walls because they have nothing else they can do.
Mounting in Combat
There is really no reason not to be able to mount in combat.
- Mounting has an animation time during which you are very vulnerable
- While mounting/mounted, you can easily be knocked off again
- While mounted, you are unable to attack and are therefore not gaining an advantage
- Many builds can already run as fast as a fully upgraded horse, so speed in combat is really not the issue
- This would make sets and abilities that are currently useless, useful. - Adept Rider Set. Anti-Cavalry Caltrops
Edited by fullheartcontainer on March 17, 2019 7:22PM