Zone Guide broken Imperial City Main Quest Chain

Sorry if this has been posted already but I couldn’t find it in relation to the new Zone Guide.

According to the zone guide for the Imperial City Zone Story Quest it says I have not completed the starting quest “City on the Brink” even though I finished the entire quest years ago. This leaves me with a 7 of 8 quests completed. Seems like the new zone guide bugged it.

It says I need to talk to Captain Durida, I’m Coveneant, at the Southern High Rock Gate. When I speak to her her dialogue indicates that I have finished the quest and she says something to the effect of returning to Imperial City again. I also can’t force it by talking to Drake of Blades since she is now in a locked area as a result of finishing the quest chain years ago.

Anyone else experiencing this problem? An additional side effect seems to to be that it shows Imperial City Prison and White Gold Tower as incomplete, meaning they are blacked out, but only when I am looking at the dungeons from inside the Imperial City map even though I finished those dungeons for the first time years ago as well. They do show as white from a zoomed out perspective.

Any help would be much appreciated as I am a quest completionist and these kinds of issues haunt me.
Edited by Meesha1170 on March 17, 2019 6:30PM
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