When you are dead you cant go into menu, meaning you cant use text chat. No chat which is especially a problem in grps
Trader search is bugged, already posted about this. Tdlr pre entered text for search breaks after fast travel
Something is up with res'ing players. Been happening since murk or wolfhunter. In the past you didnt have to be painfully accurate trying to res someone and could start before the prompt appeared, just had to be looking at the dead player and hold res. I dont now if this is a intentional change but it really makes res'ing a pita on console where controllers arent super accurate.
there an issue with cc break where its not breaking when you preform the action. Not a new issue but I and other players have noticed an increase in frequency since update.
Issue with traveling into trials, Trying to travel into cloudrest i froze once, restarted and then disconnected the second time. Another player in grp had this happen more than i did.
Have also noticed a general decrease in performance after the patch. Especially after fast travel. But also with long load screens and general game performance even outside of cyro