DLC Discount worth it?

As you might know, DB & Thieves Guild DLC is on a 50% offer now & I really wanna get it as I've collected enough Crowns to get one of them.

I'm wondering if the price is worth it for 50% discount or will it drop more than 50% on another occasion like ESO+ free week or something.
I don't wanna waste my 1,000 Crowns & later find out that the next discount will drop to 75%. I mean I could spend those extra crowns on other stuffs like furniture & costume.
  • VaranisArano
    So from what I'm seeing online, there have been past sales of Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild for 75% off, or 500 crowns each.

    Now, there's no guarantee that another 75% sale will happen again, or a timeline on when that will happen. Generally the DLC anniversary events are a pretty good sale, though this year's was only 50% off.

    Basically its a gamble whether you want it now for this price or you want to save your crowns and hope for a possible 75% sale in the future.
  • Vapirko
    Are you super interested in the quests there or the trial? Because imo that particular DLC isn’t worth it.
  • Jhalin
    The skill lines are very useful to have on any character so I think it’s worth the price

    Swiftly Forgotten makes life easier for any character that does writs often ;)

    Shadow Rider is basically a must have for any toon that has a use farming mats, and tbh any group content that lets you mount (some dungeons and trials) will find some use for it too

    Plus the stories are actually pretty decent, the motifs found there are nice, and the zones just plain look nice
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