russelmmendoza wrote: »Heres the thing, again, sorry bout that.
I knew exactly that it was a grind, but I greet my teeth and pushed on.
But you want it to be easier?
Best thing I can say is come back when there is a +100% xp event.
And login everyday to get those free xp scrolls.
And combine it with ambrosia.
If thats not enough or is to much, then, lets just agree to disagree.
russelmmendoza wrote: »Heres the thing, I grind for that cp 810, like hell I would stand for changing it, let alone removing for another.
I am already bleepss off at all the nerfs the devs are dishing out in this game, and it feels like those nerfs cater to just one side of the player base.
1 last straw, I am still holding to 1 last straw, cut it and I will bleeping leave this game and curse it to oblivion.
I so bleeping love this game, but bleep the shiitt out of me and I bleeping quit.
[*] A community-based solution: If a CP100, CP500, CP386, and CP299 all grouped together, their average CP of 322 (rounding up because that's nicer) would be what each character actually has in effect. I'll explain: As equal as possible, what Player 1 has points in would gain points, and what Player 2 had points in would lose them so that both players are equal in point allocation. Ergo, you have 50 points in Master-At-Arms in The Atronach. But in a group with lower CPs, maybe your Master-At-Arms would average to only have 25 points effective. That's okay, though. If your friend had 4 points in Staff Expert, they might now have 29 points effective. This allows you to feel as strong as your friends, still make buying/selling "runs" a thing (and now that 810 you're paying gets to share his power with you so you can help), and it further incentivizes grouping (of all levels). Content can still have CP limits that you need to reach as a solo player, but once you pass that threshold, you're on par with everyone else--and the dungeon can be appropriately scaled to whatever level if necessary (though I think that defeats this purpose...).
Soul19reaper wrote: »Maybe they'll remove cp and introduce something new and we'll have to farm all our golded gear once again
The Champion Point cap has been raised by a total of 30 points (10 in each red/blue/green constellation) for a total of 810 Champion Points. The Champion Point experience curve has been automatically adjusted with this new cap, so that earlier Champion Points require less experience and can be earned faster.
kypranb14_ESO wrote: »[*] A community-based solution: If a CP100, CP500, CP386, and CP299 all grouped together, their average CP of 322 (rounding up because that's nicer) would be what each character actually has in effect. I'll explain: As equal as possible, what Player 1 has points in would gain points, and what Player 2 had points in would lose them so that both players are equal in point allocation. Ergo, you have 50 points in Master-At-Arms in The Atronach. But in a group with lower CPs, maybe your Master-At-Arms would average to only have 25 points effective. That's okay, though. If your friend had 4 points in Staff Expert, they might now have 29 points effective. This allows you to feel as strong as your friends, still make buying/selling "runs" a thing (and now that 810 you're paying gets to share his power with you so you can help), and it further incentivizes grouping (of all levels). Content can still have CP limits that you need to reach as a solo player, but once you pass that threshold, you're on par with everyone else--and the dungeon can be appropriately scaled to whatever level if necessary (though I think that defeats this purpose...).
As someone who has seen some of the worst of the community, I truly believe that this "solution" would only reinforce the negative traits of the community, such as kicking all sub-810 CP players from your random dungeon group.
On another note however, I think that implementing this is non-DLC normal dungeons only would be fine.
As someone who is 810 CP and already stays away from most PVE content, this would reinforce my dislike for PVE in this game. I don't mind unslotting my CP when my friend who is new to the game wants an authentic noob-group experience (or at least as close to authentic as you can get with an experienced player in your party). However, I shouldn't be punished anymore than i already am for using the group finder.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »kypranb14_ESO wrote: »[*] A community-based solution: If a CP100, CP500, CP386, and CP299 all grouped together, their average CP of 322 (rounding up because that's nicer) would be what each character actually has in effect. I'll explain: As equal as possible, what Player 1 has points in would gain points, and what Player 2 had points in would lose them so that both players are equal in point allocation. Ergo, you have 50 points in Master-At-Arms in The Atronach. But in a group with lower CPs, maybe your Master-At-Arms would average to only have 25 points effective. That's okay, though. If your friend had 4 points in Staff Expert, they might now have 29 points effective. This allows you to feel as strong as your friends, still make buying/selling "runs" a thing (and now that 810 you're paying gets to share his power with you so you can help), and it further incentivizes grouping (of all levels). Content can still have CP limits that you need to reach as a solo player, but once you pass that threshold, you're on par with everyone else--and the dungeon can be appropriately scaled to whatever level if necessary (though I think that defeats this purpose...).
As someone who has seen some of the worst of the community, I truly believe that this "solution" would only reinforce the negative traits of the community, such as kicking all sub-810 CP players from your random dungeon group.
On another note however, I think that implementing this is non-DLC normal dungeons only would be fine.
As someone who is 810 CP and already stays away from most PVE content, this would reinforce my dislike for PVE in this game. I don't mind unslotting my CP when my friend who is new to the game wants an authentic noob-group experience (or at least as close to authentic as you can get with an experienced player in your party). However, I shouldn't be punished anymore than i already am for using the group finder.
1- But right now a lot of people get kicked or excluded from content because they are not 810. I have seen people shout specifically for 810 CP players for vet dungeons such as city of Ash 2. This is the problem and what happens to a lot of players that are 115 CP as they see this? A lot just quit the game.
2- That means new players never actually reach end game content. That means less people to make groups with for random trials. That also means without a fresh player base coming in the game eventually dies.
3- The other half of the problem is the 810 players not allowing new players to learn mechanics or fights just because they can plow through content and skip mechanics. So now we have new players that have no clue how to run content because they qued into normal roulete and got carried by other 810 players. So now when they get to trials they have no clue how to follow a mechanic because in their eyes 810 skip all mechanics. It sometimes makes players quit because they see just how powerful a 810 player is.
4- What they need to do is put a cap on dungeons even normal ones. FF 14 does this and it forces players to actually play the game. You can be level 70 and do your daily random dungeon, but the dungeon is level 20. So the dungeon scales your gear down to that level, any moves you would have after that level are removed from use, and you have to actually play the game the way it was intended to be played. This forced new players to learn mechanics and made it not a toxic environment where high level players always blamed the low level. I'm not saying copy this exactly but implimemt something so higher levels can't ruin the gaming experience for the new player base.
5- A d if you come in here and tell me that you only play this game because you are 810 cp and that an idea that makes you actually play the game instead of steamrolling content means you should probably quit because you actually don't want to play the game at all lol.
OP, you're massively underestimating the value of gear, skills (abilities), enchantments, and knowing fight mechanics.
CP is a pretty small piece of the overall character build puzzle. Don't focus on it. It comes quicker than you'd expect. Focus on mastering your role and collecting the right gear/abilities.
Low CP players are capable of doing the majority of the content if they know the mechanics and have the other aspects of their build squared away.
kypranb14_ESO wrote: »
As someone who has seen some of the worst of the community, I truly believe that this "solution" would only reinforce the negative traits of the community, such as kicking all sub-810 CP players from your random dungeon group.
On another note however, I think that implementing this is non-DLC normal dungeons only would be fine.
As someone who is 810 CP and already stays away from most PVE content, this would reinforce my dislike for PVE in this game. I don't mind unslotting my CP when my friend who is new to the game wants an authentic noob-group experience (or at least as close to authentic as you can get with an experienced player in your party). However, I shouldn't be punished anymore than i already am for using the group finder.
OP, you're massively underestimating the value of gear, skills (abilities), enchantments, and knowing fight mechanics.
CP is a pretty small piece of the overall character build puzzle. Don't focus on it. It comes quicker than you'd expect. Focus on mastering your role and collecting the right gear/abilities.
Low CP players are capable of doing the majority of the content if they know the mechanics and have the other aspects of their build squared away.
CP still plays a major role in progression or just "quality of life" to the point of creating a domino effect. Someone could be in this predicament: "I can't get the best gear because of my CP. When I try to level my CP, it takes too long and takes the fun out of it. I'm in this endless loop of not being strong enough to get what I want, despite having the desire to get stronger." For me, it goes back to making the grind different.
If your comment speaks to me directly, I went full into a Frost/Shock staff Tank as a Nightblade. I love it. No one yells at me for not having Sword and Shield. I have self-sustain for days, soloing boss fights when my team was dying repeatedly and too easily. With this, I'm proud of the "strong for [my] CP level" character I've managed to create. I actually haven't massively underestimated the value of those things listed. I apply them to myself. As stated, I try not to focus on CP, but it makes such a big impact. That can't be ignored. Simply the objective information of "I have 600 levels left to get" is daunting for myself and I'm sure other players.
You're right, CP doesn't stop you from experiencing that much content. It does affect how well you do within that content. CP offers small numbers. But something small multiplied by a lot makes for a big thing. I like the concept of CP. I feel it needs reworking--as the developers have begun to think about.