Finally, it happened.

A call to nerf healers.

Nerf dps.
Nerf tank.
Nerf healer.
Nerf them all.

And who did it came from, guess who, a pvp'er.
  • SaintSubwayy
    Link pls or it didnt happen :trollface:
    PC EU
    vAA HM / vHRC HM / vSO HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS HM / vCR HM / vSS HM / vKA HM

    Flawless Conqueror / Immortal Redeemer / Dawnbringer / Griphon Heart / Master Angler / Spirit Slayer

  • Beardimus
    A call to nerf healers.

    Nerf dps.
    Nerf tank.
    Nerf healer.
    Nerf them all.

    And who did it came from, guess who, a pvp'er.

    It's a pretty fair call considering power creep and how crazy easy PvE has become.
    Dungeons getting made easier this patch too.

    A. Don't understand why you want PvE to get any easier
    B. Don't understand the weird blame on another player base. Many bust changes in PvP came from PvE too...
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Vildebill
    EU PC
  • russelmmendoza
    Beardimus wrote: »

    It's a pretty fair call considering power creep and how crazy easy PvE has become.
    Dungeons getting made easier this patch too.

    A. Don't understand why you want PvE to get any easier
    B. Don't understand the weird blame on another player base. Many bust changes in PvP came from PvE too...

    Nobody in pve ever ask to nerf a dps or a tank or a healer.
  • John_Falstaff
    Beardimus wrote: »

    It's a pretty fair call considering power creep and how crazy easy PvE has become.
    Dungeons getting made easier this patch too.

    A. Don't understand why you want PvE to get any easier
    B. Don't understand the weird blame on another player base. Many bust changes in PvP came from PvE too...

    Mmhm, PvE gets easier and easier because of healers, that's why 3DD runs are getting more and more popular... must be that people want to have it real hard way and, for the sake of keeping PvE difficult, take third DD into the group instead of healer.

    And I'm pretty sure that PvP player base is the loudest when it comes to asking for nerfs. I see way more PvP-driven nerfs than PvE-driven ones.
  • Galarthor

    Nobody in pve ever ask to nerf a dps or a tank or a healer.

    I can imagine that given how boringly easy PvE has become and the vast majority of PvE players being happy about it ...
  • disintegr8
    Nerf the nerfs.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Healers were already nerfed since tanks got nerfed and applying weakening is now healer's work.
  • Aurielle
    A call to nerf healers.

    Nerf dps.
    Nerf tank.
    Nerf healer.
    Nerf them all.

    And who did it came from, guess who, a pvp'er.

    Copious salt over a call for more balance. And from whom did it come? Guess who! A pve’er.
  • disintegr8
    Healers were nerfed about 2 years ago - one heal was nerfed to max 2 people and another heal was changed to be directional rather than radial. Too tired to look it up but it put a lot of people off healing.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Heimpai
    A call to nerf healers.

    Nerf dps.
    Nerf tank.
    Nerf healer.
    Nerf them all.

    And who did it came from, guess who, a pvp'er.

    You don’t need healers in pve, that’s why they nerfed shields..

    Healers are useful in pvp, where you actually need tactics and not do the same thing every single time

  • IzzyStardust
    Heimpai wrote: »

    You don’t need healers in pve, that’s why they nerfed shields..

    Healers are useful in pvp, where you actually need tactics and not do the same thing every single time

    lol and how many times did you die to siege when it was actually doing any damage? xD
  • John_Falstaff
    Heimpai wrote: »

    You don’t need healers in pve, that’s why they nerfed shields..

    Healers are useful in pvp, where you actually need tactics and not do the same thing every single time

    Tactics, you need in war and in chess. In PvP, you need fast fingers, a bit of luck and a huge inferiority complex to escape from. As for shield nerf, then it was first advertised on ESO's site front page as "...providing counterplay against shields" in upcoming update - unmistakably a PvP-driven change.
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