Until the addons are updated, you can either use
Minion to install the
Medic addon, or comment out a few lines in one of the lua files for
Lazy Writ Creator - refer to the comments on the ESOUI.com site for that addon. Note that using Medic also fixes issues with
Writworthy not working.
Originally Posted by Rokton
I made a very crude fix to make the addon work. I changed so that the doesCharHaveSkill function always returns true. I have no idea what consequences this could have, so use it at your own risk. I have used it for my 8 characters with maxed processions and it seems to be working fine as a temporary fix.
Only use this if you have maxed crafting skill on the characters you are going to do writs on.
Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\DolgubonsLazyWritCreator and find WritCreator.lua.
Open it with a text editor like Notepad++ and go to line 546 (or local function doesCharHaveSkill if your editor doesn't have a line counter).
Comment out (put -- infront of each line) everything in the function other than the "return true" statement. The comments should be on line 548, 550, 551, 553, 555, 565 and 557.
It should now look like this:
local function doesCharHaveSkill(patternIndex,materialIndex,abilityIndex)
--local requirement = select(10,GetSmithingPatternMaterialItemInfo( patternIndex, materialIndex))
--local _,skillIndex = GetCraftingSkillLineIndices(GetCraftingInteractionType())
--local skillLevel = GetSkillAbilityUpgradeInfo(SKILL_TYPE_TRADESKILL ,skillIndex,abilityIndex )
--if skillLevel>=requirement then
return true
-- return false
If you don't understand what was changed, then I would recommended you to wait for an official fix.
Edited by Pyr0xyrecuprotite on March 12, 2019 1:43AM