Will there be another white horse?

Does anybody think there might ever be another white horse coming to the crown store? The only one available in the game right now is the imperial one which is more like a light grey horse than an outright white one, and it also uses the old horse model/armor/bags, etc.
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    Hmmm, the Dwarven war horse and the Imperial war horse were the same mount IIRC just with fancy sets of armor. The seasonal holiday charger (forgot its correct name) was dappled, more or less, but still whitish enough to qualify I think... and it uses the new model. But it's not available currently, either. Then there was the original Auroran warhorse which was very white... but it used the old horse model and it's not available anymore, either.

    Perhaps the latter will be available via lootbox/crown crate one day?
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
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