999+ ping problems

Is the game just unplayable for me today, or anyone else? Need to figure out if the problem is on my side

Best Answer

  • Sylvermynx
    Well, my ping's always 2k ms +, and I can play fine - but if you're into pvp or dungeons, trials, etc....
    Answer ✓
  • Karmanorway
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Well, my ping's always 2k ms +, and I can play fine - but if you're into pvp or dungeons, trials, etc....

    Wow that suck :( i figured out the problem, Diagnostics Policy Service had stopped running
  • Sylvermynx
    Well, gee - stupid OS junk will get you every time, right?

    As for my ping, sucky as it is, satellite is the only "broadband" I have available. Yep, I live in the US lower 48, 40 miles one way from "real" broadband. Lucky to have satellite.... prior to wildblue, all I had was dialup - over 60 year old analog copper lines....
    Edited by Sylvermynx on March 10, 2019 2:25AM
  • Karmanorway
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Well, gee - stupid OS junk will get you every time, right?

    As for my ping, sucky as it is, satellite is the only "broadband" I have available. Yep, I live in the US lower 48, 40 miles one way from "real" broadband. Lucky to have satellite.... prior to wildblue, all I had was dialup - over 60 year old analog copper lines....

    Yes its really bad, stuff like this didnt happen when i used to play on Mac lol. That sucks a lot, hope u will get something better soon :)
    Edited by Karmanorway on March 10, 2019 2:47AM
  • Sylvermynx
    Thanks, but I'll be dead before they run fiber into a market with less than 100 full-time residents. That's not a joke - I'm 71, probably live another 30 years or so (lots of good genes in my family), and it will be twice that before this area gets anything like "real broadband".
  • Karmanorway
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Thanks, but I'll be dead before they run fiber into a market with less than 100 full-time residents. That's not a joke - I'm 71, probably live another 30 years or so (lots of good genes in my family), and it will be twice that before this area gets anything like "real broadband".

    Wow not bad making it that far :p i had some internet issues once when i was living in Oslo wih a friend of mine. We lived in a really old Apartment and could not get good enough internet for both of us at the same time.

    So i connected my computer to my cellphone on hotspot, then i could play on steady 80 ms ping, pve/pvp and it didnt consume much of my internet package at all. On 3 GB i could play atleast 2 weeks roughly 3 - 5 hrs a day, its worth trying out, just dont stream videos on netflix/youtube etc :)
    Edited by Karmanorway on March 10, 2019 3:03AM
  • Sylvermynx
    Here's the things I can't do here (you're going to laugh....):

    I can't get real broadband

    I can't get real tv

    I can't get mobile phone

    Yep. I live in the back of beyond, 40 miles from nowhere in Utah US.

    Edited for stupid typo....
    Edited by Sylvermynx on March 10, 2019 3:17AM
  • Karmanorway
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Here's the things I can't do here (you're going to laugh....):

    I can't get real broadband

    I can't get real tv

    I can't get mobile phone

    Yep. I live in the back of beyond, 40 miles from nowhere in Utah US.

    Edited for stupid typo....

    Wow :S idk i could never live that secluded from everything, unless if intentionally to Work on writing my fantasy Novels without distraction :p are they seriously not going to do anything about it? xD
  • tizodd
    Yeah mine randomly jumps to 999+ too. Mainly over the weekend. My guess is it's related to the number of people playing.
  • russelmmendoza
    Its called a lag spike, its working as intended, its a game feature, take your pick, its always online, I gotten used to the little bugger, lol.
  • Sylvermynx
    Oh, yeah, they're not going to do anything about it. WAY too few people, most of whom are here only a month once a year and a few weekends otherwise.

    If I had family local who had real broadband, that would be great. I don't. Daughter lives 3000 miles away (better than when she lived in Germany but still.... she's a long way away). Husband's kids are somewhat closer, but.... well.... there are issues there.

    I'd copy the game install folder to my laptop, and go use an internet cafe if we had any around I could trust. I'm - really picky - about security and such... I KNOW my network is secure. I'm not really wanting to trust anyone else. I've had computers since 1985, and been online since 1990. There's things I just don't want to do.

    It is what it is. I really try not to gripe. I have a very good RL friend who sends me his install folder when the download's too much for my allowed bandwidth. That's a huge help. The 3+ gig updates I can manage.

    I'd love to have real broadband here.... but I'm not holding my breath!
  • Cundu_Ertur
    I got 99 problems and a ping ain't one
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • Sylvermynx
    I got 99 problems and a ping ain't one


    99 bottles of beer on the wall....
    99 bottles of beer!

    Take one down, pass it around!

    98 bottles of beer....

    I'm not lit enough to continue.... You should be very thankful!
  • Red_Feather
    tizodd wrote: »
    Yeah mine randomly jumps to 999+ too. Mainly over the weekend. My guess is it's related to the number of people playing.

    Me too. :(
    It's most frightening when it happens while selling to a merchant.

    I get no response trying to sell something and I keep clicking and then after a long pause suddenly a lot of stuff gets sold.
  • jainiadral
    I've been getting them on and off since the last maintenance. A couple of them seemed to coincide with major wind gusts during a storm, so I figured it was a local ISP issue. Now I'm not so sure.
  • Sylvermynx
    Heh. You know when mine's even worse? When we have major sunspot activity. Like the last few days... Thank the goddesses there's no one alive up on the satellites.
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