Why does it bother you if someone wants to flip the flags for AP? At least if they’re a “little zergling” you shouldn’t have to worry about them packing you up for your stones.
You ever farm for Tel Var? I can "pack up" or escape gankers with my 32k health Imperial physique build. It just annoying to run over and flip a flag during my farm runs. It encourages kids to come into IC for alliance points when AP is not what IC is meant for
I and many others go to Imperial city to farm Tel Var, other players like to go there to gain the 1.2k AP tick from turning the flags. Its extremely frustrating to go to the districts and solo these bosses while a little zergling runs around for the mediocre AP from flipping the flags and has no interest in making Tel Var. Please remove the AP from flipping these flags, IC should be a place for open PvP and PvE farming, not a place to make AP! Cyrodil resource camps is for that trash
You ever farm for Tel Var? I can "pack up" or escape gankers with my 32k health Imperial physique build. It just annoying to run over and flip a flag during my farm runs. It encourages kids to come into IC for alliance points when AP is not what IC is meant for
I and many others go to Imperial city to farm Tel Var, other players like to go there to gain the 1.2k AP tick from turning the flags. Its extremely frustrating to go to the districts and solo these bosses while a little zergling runs around for the mediocre AP from flipping the flags and has no interest in making Tel Var. Please remove the AP from flipping these flags, IC should be a place for open PvP and PvE farming, not a place to make AP! Cyrodil resource camps is for that trash
Op get ready for a world of hurt and lack of stones when they make it it’s own leaderboard and direct que into IC in the next expansion in a couple months! Everything you are asking for is what IC was intended not for it to be by the Devs!
Emma_Overload wrote: »Flipping flags is how I know where to find them, though... so I can farm THEM for AP
I and many others go to Imperial city to farm Tel Var, other players like to go there to gain the 1.2k AP tick from turning the flags. Its extremely frustrating to go to the districts and solo these bosses while a little zergling runs around for the mediocre AP from flipping the flags and has no interest in making Tel Var. Please remove the AP from flipping these flags, IC should be a place for open PvP and PvE farming, not a place to make AP! Cyrodil resource camps is for that trash
You ever farm for Tel Var? I can "pack up" or escape gankers with my 32k health Imperial physique build. It just annoying to run over and flip a flag during my farm runs. It encourages kids to come into IC for alliance points when AP is not what IC is meant for
I fondly remember the days when my MagSorc could flip a flag, shield up, lay down mines, hold block and wait for the nightblades to explode at my feet.Emma_Overload wrote: »Flipping flags is how I know where to find them, though... so I can farm THEM for AP
I fondly remember the days when my MagSorc could flip a flag, shield up, lay down mines, hold block and wait for the nightblades to explode at my feet.
Ah the memories ...
SMH, IC is a PVP zone. That's not going to change.
In a PVP zone you don't have a RIGHT to farm there unless you can protect yourself.
You are not ENTITLED to farming bonuses unless you can protect your flag.