Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »1. Powered.
2. 2752/660= 4.1%
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Calculating the % damage from defending depends on your current resistances.
If you have no armor, then defending takes you from 0 (0%) to 2752 (4.1%).
If you have 30k resistances already, then defending takes you from 45.5% mitigation to 49.6%. In other words you’ll be taking 50.4% of incoming damage instead of 54.5%. I would call this a 7.5% decrease in damage taken, nearly as much as minor protection (.504/.545=0.925).
Woow that 7.5% decrease in damage taken seems like a lot! I'm certainly considering using Defending then.
joseayalac wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »Calculating the % damage from defending depends on your current resistances.
If you have no armor, then defending takes you from 0 (0%) to 2752 (4.1%).
If you have 30k resistances already, then defending takes you from 45.5% mitigation to 49.6%. In other words you’ll be taking 50.4% of incoming damage instead of 54.5%. I would call this a 7.5% decrease in damage taken, nearly as much as minor protection (.504/.545=0.925).
Woow that 7.5% decrease in damage taken seems like a lot! I'm certainly considering using Defending then.
Considering that my back bar is mainly buffs and utility and I don't really have any tooltips besides Rally and Green Dragon Blood, combining Defending with Minor Protection (Psijic Ult) seems like the best idea for my back bar. This would make for a very tanky backbar.
All my damage is in my frontbar anyway, which sits at the 5300 WD department.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Yes defending can be very good. However if might be difficult to get enough resistance to make it worthwhile on a 5-Medium build. Maybe with something like Fortified Brass and/or Protective jewelry. Otherwise you’d probably be looking at more like 5% reduced damage.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »If you have 30k resistances already, then defending takes you from 45.5% mitigation to 49.6%. In other words you’ll be taking 50.4% of incoming damage instead of 54.5%. I would call this a 7.5% decrease in damage taken, nearly as much as minor protection (.504/.545=0.925).
joseayalac wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »Yes defending can be very good. However if might be difficult to get enough resistance to make it worthwhile on a 5-Medium build. Maybe with something like Fortified Brass and/or Protective jewelry. Otherwise you’d probably be looking at more like 5% reduced damage.
In medium armor without Defending I'm at 27k Resist (40% Mitigation) and with Defending I'm at 29.7k Resist (45% Mitigation). So I take 60% and 55% of the damage respectively. So 0.55/0.60 = 0.9167.
I'm taking 8.33% less damage with Defending, even better than Minor Protection.WrathOfInnos wrote: »If you have 30k resistances already, then defending takes you from 45.5% mitigation to 49.6%. In other words you’ll be taking 50.4% of incoming damage instead of 54.5%. I would call this a 7.5% decrease in damage taken, nearly as much as minor protection (.504/.545=0.925).
So it seems like the higher your resistances already are, the less effect Minor Protection will have on your total damage taken. So I conclude that medium armor builds mitigate more damage with Minor Protection than heavy armor builds.
MaleAmazon wrote: »But is that how it works in practice? For me, I´ve found that doubling down and being even more of a glass cannon can sometimes be beneficial, since I might rely on a very short burst and then the important part is my escape plan. Added damage reduction doesn´t keep me alive. It just helps me, as someone put it, 'die somewhat slower'. So instead I try to add to my opening attack and burst on my backbar.