Hello! I've done heists in the past and was super excited to do them again for this event - however something has made heists uncompletable for me.
I can get in, sneak around just fine, but when I unlock a chest and then hit E to search it, my character bends down like they're going to open it, they stand back up, and nothing happens. The same 'search' prompt remains, and the chest will not let me take what is inside no matter how many times I hit E next to it.
Really want my event tickets so this is a problem ;w;
level cap characters -
Aren'dra - khajiit ww stamblade - DPS - sneak-thief wanderer
still leveling -
Danara-jo - khajiit vamp magblade - healer - ancient scholar
Lost-In-His-Wanderings - argonian magplar - healer - melancholy dreamer
Riin-daro the Returned- khajiit necro - tank - pieced back together
Paints-the-Skies - argonian magden - DPS - storyteller
Furrin-ko - khajiit magden - healer - wild at heart
Completely-Innocent - argonian magdk - DPS - gets into trouble