People just need to stop only wearing BiS for dummy humps and posting builds that use them. That's why relequen is used on every dummy parse you see, just cause its best there doesnt mean its best in dungeons/raids.
I've never used relequen in a raid myself and i dont really intend to, cause group support in form of WM for exampel is just better on everything that is not a dummy hump or a boss that is equivalent to that.
It's usually just a few sets that seem to be outshining everything else, atm mainly Releqen, Siroria, Spell Strategist, etc - although all of those have a pretty narrow application for single target and dummy parses. After those top sets, there's actually quite some variety in possible viable sets.
However, I'm still upset about the nerf to NMG and Sunderflame.
LiquidPony wrote: »@Masel
Just fyi you posted a Symbolic vAS HM score that I know for certain you were not a part of, and that neither the vCR nor vMoL score show up on esoraiding or esoleaderboards
Still wanna see your non-relequen record breaking rakkhat parse though, hope learning Photoshop is easier than being half decent at ESO
At this point I gotta wonder, what the hell is wrong with you guys?
You're part of no known guild or group on EU, you're posting scores of other guilds that you have nothing to do with, get called out for it, and at the end you are asking that?
I don’t really care about this whole argument, since I stopped PVEing a long time ago... However, I find it amusing that you guys are raging at masel for posting “scores of other guilds” when he clearly was just posting a screen cap of the leaderboard as a whole, so you can see his best score vs the top scores on the leaderboard. He is quite obviously not pretending to be any of the people at the top of the list.
The amount of testosterone in this thread is...
@Aurielle I mean I'm not trying to wade into this honestly, because I have no idea how accurate the various leaderboard archive sites actually are, and people play under multiple account names across multiple servers ... but I think the people involved here understand what you're saying and the point they're making is that they can't find the scores that are listed under "Best Score". For instance the 105908 in vAS ... that score appears exactly one time in the leaderboard archives:
And just to clarify: I'm not accusing anyone of anything, just here for the lols.
Design bosses so the same gear is not the best on each one ?
Bring new goals than just "kill it and the faster you kill it, the less he can hit you" ?
If a boss was "survive for X minutes while killing things spawning constantly", damage would not be the only important metric.
A boss able to drain resources reward recovery.
A boss with invulnerability phases or phases where you can't hit it reward raw damage
A boss with "reflect X% damage" punish glass canon.
A boss with "reflect X% direct damage" promote DoT.
A boss with "absorb DoT to heal himself" promote direct damage.
A boss (or its adds) needing many snares, debuff, stun, purge, ... that tank/heal can't handle all by themselves would promote utility skills on DPS skill bars.