Nemesis7884 wrote: »I don't have an answer how to "fix" or "improve" this...
Id tank more but there’s too many fake dps, it takes forever
I slot a taunt on my dps for the non dlc ones and just tank it myself
... with Sergeant title xd. Daaaaaamn how i hate PvPers in endgame vet PvE.
RogueShark wrote: »It's way past time for people to be able to 'dual spec'. Being able to have at least two different setups for CP, skills and abilities to swap between would go a long way, IMO. Not only for pve content, but for people to swap between pve and pvp without having to reset stuff constantly. Then you might have more DDs with a tank spec for quicker queuing that actually have tank stuff equipped if they could flawlessly and quickly swap between two different setups.
RogueShark wrote: »It's way past time for people to be able to 'dual spec'. Being able to have at least two different setups for CP, skills and abilities to swap between would go a long way, IMO. Not only for pve content, but for people to swap between pve and pvp without having to reset stuff constantly. Then you might have more DDs with a tank spec for quicker queuing that actually have tank stuff equipped if they could flawlessly and quickly swap between two different setups.
No need for different CP distribution as you always have dedicated defense points for the warrior.
It's gear/skills that matter
That lack of tank is mostly a product of a few factors:
• Is tank role interesting and fun ?
• Is there mechanics that DD have to handle that make their DPS matter less than playing properly ?
The ratio of 50% DD in a dungeon group doesn't help either.
What would be nice if to have more flexibility in dungeon team composition.
And for each extra DD in the party, monsters and bosses have ~50% more health.
Would allow greater ratio of DD per tank/heal. Playing with more than 3 friends would become possible.
How about keeping things simple? Some of the non-DLC vet dungeons can be soloed. It's rather pointless having a tank or healer in those, but you may want a group for speed, loot sharing or due to mechanics that prevent outright soloing. Why not simply have a mode for 4DDs?
The 2 DD, 1 healer, 1 tank group composition is really only needed for the hardest content, at least at full CP. Even vDSA is best run with 3 DDs and a tank. Not everyone plays or likes to play meta builds. In particular, magplar and stamsorc are well able to look after themselves. If you are mainly a PvPer (like me), you've probably built for some self healing and tankiness regardless of class, yet you will still do enough damage for the likes of Skoria hard mode with only slight changes to your PvP build.
You can make your own group to do anything and everything, but we're talking about the dungeon finder, are we not?How about keeping things simple? Some of the non-DLC vet dungeons can be soloed. It's rather pointless having a tank or healer in those, but you may want a group for speed, loot sharing or due to mechanics that prevent outright soloing. Why not simply have a mode for 4DDs?
The 2 DD, 1 healer, 1 tank group composition is really only needed for the hardest content, at least at full CP. Even vDSA is best run with 3 DDs and a tank. Not everyone plays or likes to play meta builds. In particular, magplar and stamsorc are well able to look after themselves. If you are mainly a PvPer (like me), you've probably built for some self healing and tankiness regardless of class, yet you will still do enough damage for the likes of Skoria hard mode with only slight changes to your PvP build.
That is already possible now. It is part of my first point I made. You can form your own group and do it however you want. A great many players do it that way each and every day. It really is that easy and already available.
That's kind of quaint and slightly patronising. Most people in my friend list are perfectly nice people that I end up never talking to again, cause that's just how it goes. Yeah, I'm in a guild, we have Discord, but the people I truly hit it off with are few and far between.Ash_In_My_Sujamma wrote: »Here is a suggestion. How about, instead of using the group tool, go on a major city and form a group using the zone chat. That way you will ensure all group members are in the same page. You can even queue afterwards and get the buff. And who knows? You might end up running some more dungeons after that, add some people in your friend list or even form a standard group for your runs.
Ash_In_My_Sujamma wrote: »Here is a suggestion. How about, instead of using the group tool, go on a major city and form a group using the zone chat. That way you will ensure all group members are on the same page. You can even queue afterwards and get the buff. And who knows? You might end up running some more dungeons after that, add some people in your friend list or even form a standard group for your runs.
In case that was directed at me, I don't do DLC dungeons via Dungeon Finder and I just as likely carry people in the non-DLC ones....and what gets me the most are seeing pvpers bringing in their pvp builds expecting a carry
First of all, it is smart for a damage dealer to put their own group together from guild or zone. At the very least pairing up with a healer or tank is a fabulous idea. It just makes sense. When it comes to 4 man dungeons in MMORPGs DPS role is a dime a dozen, but for large raid content it is support roles that are a dime a dozen.
Second, it is so easy to tank or heal on your DD and that is what many do.
So idea 1 and 2 are great ideas that solve the issue OP has. People can choose them or not. It is their choice and of course, their choice to wait longer. Yes, I know, dps is easier, but be the solution.
Lastly, the repetative "declines" are a bug that has been well known in the game for well over a year. Well known to everyone but Zos since they seemed to have missed the dozens and dozens of threads explaining the issue and that they were tagged in. Somehow they managed to ignore miss all those threads.
That's kind of quaint and slightly patronising. Most people in my friend list are perfectly nice people that I end up never talking to again, cause that's just how it goes. Yeah, I'm in a guild, we have Discord, but the people I truly hit it off with are few and far between.Ash_In_My_Sujamma wrote: »Here is a suggestion. How about, instead of using the group tool, go on a major city and form a group using the zone chat. That way you will ensure all group members are in the same page. You can even queue afterwards and get the buff. And who knows? You might end up running some more dungeons after that, add some people in your friend list or even form a standard group for your runs.
The reason I use Dungeon Finder? I have no interest in dungeons. Zero. Neither do my friends, cause we're PvPers. When I want to level Undaunted Mettle on a new character, they're in Cyrodiil. I don't tend to keep in touch with PvEer friends, cause after a week or two of pledges, I return to PvP and neither of us are any good to each other. I'm also prone to playing in the middle of the night, when no one else is online.
Don't come to me saying there are alternatives. Of course there are. That doesn't mean the Dungeon Finder couldn't be improved upon.
Errrr, they do do that at the Undaunted enclaves. At least they used to. I don't know anymore. My zone chat is frequently turned off to avoid those huge guild recruiting messages.Nemesis7884 wrote: »Ash_In_My_Sujamma wrote: »Here is a suggestion. How about, instead of using the group tool, go on a major city and form a group using the zone chat. That way you will ensure all group members are on the same page. You can even queue afterwards and get the buff. And who knows? You might end up running some more dungeons after that, add some people in your friend list or even form a standard group for your runs.
You might then as well say why have gfindr at all.... imagine zone chat in major cities if people constantly spam LFG for ALL dungeons