@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_RichLambertSorry I couldn't tag ya all, but I would like to thank every developer at ZOS.
You see, I recently picked up a copy of WoW BFA and decided to indulge my nostalgia to an extent (played during vanilla and bc era, left near WotlK). And this month was an eye opening experience.
Oh, also, sorry for being a dickhead and giving you *** from time to time. It's not always fair I must admit. Anyway, back to the topic. While I have big issues with class design and class identity in ESO, I still do very much appreciate other aspects of the game.
1) All content is relevant. Scaling system in Orsinium was a godsend, no less. I like how you can always go to any zone and still be able to do something here. Loot you get here can be used since it scales to your level. You can fight monsters (they don't scale so well, but at least nightblades can level up to maximum and not hit a wall after veteran rank 5 due to inability to kill an enemy in open world ;P ), world bosses, do quests and get relevant rewards. That mother's sorrow lightning staff is pretty good too.
2) Gear matters. Again, this has to do a lot with scaling, but also with the way sets are balanced. Some pve gear can get a bit stale like current meta, but it is still more or less flexible. You can use julianos, mother's sorrow, siroria, burning spellweave, master architect, spell strategist and other more subtle, but actually working sets. You don't get into dungeons where all loot is like 40 levels below yours and can't be salvaged in any way. PvP is more flexible, though. I wish PvE had the same diversity. But hey, still cool.
3) Game is up to date. Yes, implementation of some things take time, but once again! I like that redguard and nord styles have been updated and became better looking. And yes, I'm one of these who thought that cleavage on pre-updated outfits was out of place. I like the outfit system. It still requires some effort and time/effort/gold investment. You don't just one-shot a boss and get free piece of transmog.You did good job with zoning and mirrors. And people finally can do quests with their friends or dungeons, even if they are from different factions (make love, not war, eh?).
4) Speaking of effort. You know I never feel like I've waisted my time in pve or pvp in eso. I mean at the end of the day I still get tempers and crafting materials. There is no situation in ESO where you could run through several dungeons, withought ever getting a single item. Yeah, I might have 300+ hours of city of ash 1 withought getting bsw inferno, but at least I've got some stuff for deconstruction. I have 16 bsw ice staves though (unless I deconned them already, not sure).
5) Stylistical consistiency. Many games fail at this. Aside from that plague doctor outfit, I think game is pretty consistent in that regard. There is no situation where you can see a knight standing next to a guy wearing modern day buisness suit. Oh and there are no insanely huge swords. You know, 9000% weeb power swords. You get what I mean.
There are issues, but there are a lot of posts about stuff like that. This forum is a salt mine anyway. I just wanted to say thank you to developers for this game and praise them a little bit.
Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.