LF casual Dungeons guild

I've played this games pve a lot now. haven't finished all its story yet, mostly because i'm a bit of an altoholic.
But now i want to start doing the games dungeons.

But i'd like to know the dungeons story, not just run through killing everything. And that is not something you can do with a pug group. those usually want to do everything fast and dirty. Skipping whatever they can get away with.

So here i am, looking for a medium size guild dedicated to dungeons. teaching them if possible. But at least a guild that does them regularly.
I'm not looking for a "Social pve" guild. those tend to be more chatty than i can handle.
Also huge guilds with around 500 members i tend to get lost in the crowd.

So does this sound like a reasonable request? Think your guild matches my requirements??
Post your guild recruitment message along with a link to your guilds website/forum topic /other location i can find more info.

Thank you for reading.
What are Natch Potes? Can you eat those?
I believe in Genie-Gina.
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