Juju_beans wrote: »Not having any problems myself.
I got attachments from my hirelings on several alts.
Also bought some items at guild store and got them ok.
Also sent motifs/furniture plans to other guildies and they got them.
IsharaMeradin wrote: »Out of curiosity, does this issue also exist with items sent from one player to another when the mail itself contains a subject line and message? Wondering if the lack of a subject and message text is part of the problem.
I wonder how many guild raffles and auctions (both incoming donations and outgoing winnings) this screwed up... oof.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »Hey all,
If it looks like something is missing, can you please submit a support ticket and reply with the number so we can look into it further?
When you submit a report you have a to have a picture along with all names and time date stamp of the issue. People who know they lost mail and items can't have it looked into at all from my experience.
SantieClaws wrote: »
This one lost 4 sweetrolls in the mail due to falling between the databases during the update. A friend sent them when this one was not fully logged in yet.
Customer services were able to restore them.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Edit: Here is the thread if it helps yes
When you submit a report you have a to have a picture along with all names and time date stamp of the issue. People who know they lost mail and items can't have it looked into at all from my experience.
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »
This isn't necessarily true, but more information is always helpful if you have it.