disconnecting every 30 seconds

Soul Shriven
i log in try to play and in 30 seconds i disconnect back to the login screen with no lag no problems in gameplay before the disconnect i changed my passwords just incase didn't work i ran the repair tool said the game was fine tried it on another computer and it still happened every 30 seconds
  • Sen_ps
    I also get plenty 307 (booted from server)
  • ayethe
    Soul Shriven
    well im not getting an error message im just straight to the login screen :(
  • ectoplasmicninja
    Having the same problem - I log in and everything seems normal, but after less than a minute my latency shows 999+, everyone freezes for another 15 or 20 seconds, and I get kicked to the login screen. It's happened four times, I checked my internet and ran a repair, and it happened a fifth.
    PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
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