Traitors Vault nerf

Boy, when ZoS decides to nerf something, they well and truly nerf it!

I have read about the infamous wardrobes in Traitor's Vault delve in Artaeum. For anyone who doesn't know, there's a whole room full of wardrobes that used to be lootable. The wardrobes are still there but they have all been previously opened and are now empty. People were farming the place and talked about getting tons of Alinor furniture plans and other goodies. But Zenimax found out about it and realized that someone had created a room that was fun for people instead of being frustrating er... I mean, made a mistake. They decided, in their infinite wisdom and godlike powers over the game, to "reduce the number of wardrobes that could be looted." No more tons of furniture plans from a plethora of lootable containers inside one place.

I started playing ESO after the nerf was done so never had a chance to take advantage of this veritable gold mine. But I read that others had gone in after the nerf and still managed to find some valuable things. So I ventured into Traitor's Vault for the first time with optimism and high hopes...

Which were quickly dashed. Crushed. Run over by the wheels of the ZoS nerf train.

There was Not. One. Single. lootable container inside traitors vault! No wardrobes. No nightstands. No desks, cupboards, or dressers. No urns. No crates. No barrels. No backpacks. No coffers. No jewelry boxes. No heavy sacks. Nothing... Except one locked chest that had a rating of simple, so was easily picked. And if course the skyshard was there, just like with any delve. But every container was either broken or already open. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.

I can understand their desire to get the farmers out of there by reducing the number of containers containing valuable items. But to take them away altogether? For someone who loves to play this game, soul crushing. They really go for the heart when they take something away that people enjoyed. Ok, take away the ability to exploit what was too good a thing (in your opinion). But don't remove every single lootable container! That's beyond ridiculous! Thanks for nothing, ZoS!
  • VaranisArano
    Mannimarco: Vanus! You tattled on me!

    Vanus Galerion: No! I only told Iachesis about your necromancy. Someone else told ZOS about your twenty wardrobes!

    Mannimarco: Tamriel will rue the day my wardeobes were stolen from me to sell more crown store furnishing packs!

    *And thus the seeds of the King of Worms' reign of terror were sown*
  • DarcyMardin
    Granted, I haven’t been in there for a while, but I was there both pre and post nerf. There were still containers to loot, although the nerf was certainly massive. In the big oval room where there had been dozens of wardrobes to loot, there were only about 5 after the nerf.

    OP, had you been in some other delve right before going into Traitor’s Vault? I believe there’s some kind of global cooldown on delves, although I could be wrong.
  • commdt
    Man, you encountered container cooldown.
    The thing is containers are not generally tied to any place, they generate for your character considering CD, when you load a zone.
    So you can do this experiment:
    1. Login to your character
    2. Go to Dreloth Ancestor tomb (for a LOT of urns)
    3. Loot 'em all!
    4. Port to ANY other location with containers (like Shimmerene) and face the whole place totally empty

    After like 20 minutes conteiners will be loading full again.

    But yes, there are some unique containers like said wardrobes in Traitors vault which has significantly lower chance to be full in the first place
  • LadySinflower
    You guys hit the nail on the head! I had been in Dreloth tomb shortly before going to Traitor's Vault. I am a new player of less than six months and knew nothing about container cooldown. Thank you for pointing this out to me. I will go back and give Traitor's Vault another chance and make sure I don't hit any delves or tombs beforehand. I was obviously upset enough by finding no containers to loot to come here and post about it, so the place deserves another look. I didn't expect a lot of containers; just the average number that you would find in any delve. When there wasn't a single one I though ZoS had over-nerfed the place. I'm glad I made this post. Thanks very much for telling me about container cooldown. Have a great day everyone! 😸
  • LadySinflower
    Mannimarco: Vanus! You tattled on me!

    Vanus Galerion: No! I only told Iachesis about your necromancy. Someone else told ZOS about your twenty wardrobes!

    Mannimarco: Tamriel will rue the day my wardeobes were stolen from me to sell more crown store furnishing packs!

    *And thus the seeds of the King of Worms' reign of terror were sown*

    Even though I was apparently wrong in my assumption that my lack of lootable containers was due to the ZoS nerf and not "container cooldown," thanks for this. You made me laugh! Mannimarco tried to put one over on the devs and Vanus (as usual) narc'd on him! Lol 😸😸😸
  • LadySinflower
    As an aside, knowing this I will absolutely refuse to buy any Summerset furnishing packs or items from the crown store on principle. The fact that they nerfed this particular delve right before the furnishing packs in question came out is highly suspicious. Obviously the presence of so many lootable wardrobes made some people really happy (and really rich) when they dropped so many furnishing plans. ZoS couldn't have anything conflicting with their next big cash grab plan. I don't have a lot of money to spend, but occasionally I will see something in the crown store that I MUST HAVE and will buy it. No Summerset furniture for me. I actually like the Redguard stuff quite a bit, and nobody is currently messing with the (still lousy) drop rate of Redguard plans. I hope the sales of Summerset furnishings (when available) are in the toilet and stay that way.
  • Imryll
    It's not quite so suspicious when you consider that they'd already gated Summerset furnishings with culanda lacquer. If their purpose was to discourage crafting and use of the crown store, they already had a mechanism in place. Traitor's Vault did need a nerf, but not the mega nerf they implemented. I'm not sure why game developers have such difficulty with the concept of tweaking. The sledge hammer isn't the only available tool.
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