With an upcoming expansion in a few months, ZOS needs to get to work on this right away imo. Whether you're role playing, first time playing, or just making an alt, having the option to choose which expansion/vanilla zone and "starter quest" you want would benefit everyone. For first time players they may want to start off with the vanilla starter, also if vanilla doesnt already it should be like during beta/launch where you start on the "tutorial islands" such as Bleakrock. By having every new expansion force us to start off in that expansion we miss content and voiced dialog that is otherwise inaccessible unless we bought the vanilla game again/specific expansion. I'm guessing (hoping) ZOS has already started working on this, but I figure I'd throw a poll here just to prove people want ZOS to give us this option.
Master Debater
Should ZOS Allow New Characters To Pick Which Expansion/Vanilla Starter Zone/Quest They Want? 57 votes
Yes, new characters should pick their expansion/vanilla start.
No, I hate people getting what they want.
1 vote