Would Pay to win help end bots!?

(Rage bringing click baite title, but seriously read and consider) Idea that crossed my mind, I just want to see what the community thinks

There are toxic websites that sell gold. These same websites sell leveled accounts for up to hundreds of dollars. From what I've read that is nearly as big as gold selling.

It would be a trade off, pay for CP is lame, may kill accomplishment feelings in players who earned their stuff through game play, ZOS possibly getting greedy and begin building gameplay around money schemes, (loss)

what we earn is seriously hurting the botting economy, accomidating gamers who are too busy adulting to level but want to do end game content while giving more money to ZOS to keep the game running

What do you think?
Edited by BossXV on February 22, 2019 6:59PM

Would Pay to win help end bots!? 128 votes

Yes, add pay for CP
KoultouraSKhajiitFelix 2 votes
Yes, add pay to win in may areas
DidgerionEmma_Overloadeso_nya 3 votes
No, do not add p2w
kwisatzJoker99starkerealmDarkheartTandorAlnilamERustyfish101dan958Sibenicetheher0notMattT1988JhalinGeneral_ZeranthDBZVelenablkjagYamiKurukuboggocoop500playsforfunsau02adg 33 votes
NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
Imryllalexj4596b14_ESOotis67Orillionalainjbrennanb16_ESOAlienSlofzariafioskalidkBlueVioletSheezabeastwalkerjonesSkworUPrimeDelgentFallewarriorsrfrogg23AgobiEdaphonStreega 90 votes
  • srfrogg23
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    I don't know what I would be paying for, or what I would be winning, but it sounds like a good way to make the game super boring.
  • idk
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    I suggest OP read their post again as they have clearly not thought this through.

    They bring up two of the areas bots work in and only try to fix one area and seems to think that suggested "fix" will magically solve all aspects of bots.

    Hate to break it to you but bots are in all MMORPs. The degree to which they are in an MMORPG depends on how active the company is at working to eliminate them which also includes punishing accounts that use them.

    So no, the above suggestion will not get rid of bots and that is clear.

    Edit: so yes I read it.
    Edited by idk on February 22, 2019 6:52PM
  • Emma_Overload
    Yes, add pay to win in may areas
    There is literally zero difference between the horse lessons already in the crown store and most other grindy busy work and time wasters in ESO. Just put it all in the crown store and let the good times roll!
  • grannas211
    in b4 thread lock
  • idk
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    There is literally zero difference between the horse lessons already in the crown store and most other grindy busy work and time wasters in ESO. Just put it all in the crown store and let the good times roll!

    And most that vote yes for this will be like this. They are not interested in the bot thing at all.

    This answer is perfect for demonstrating how bad the above idea is and how worthless the information from a yes vote will be.

    Edit: and it seems few agree with OP or Emma. They understand at least one aspect of the issue very clear.
    Edited by idk on February 22, 2019 8:38PM
  • El_Borracho
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    I played GTA Online for years. And for years it was my favorite game. And then they introduced micro-transactions and pay to win. Ruined the game completely.

    For those unfamiliar with how this happened, GTA was a very balanced game that required people to learn how to snipe, drive, fly, engage in combat, etc. It was very hard to get a hold of OP weapons. Most loved the separation this created between bad-to-good-to-great players. Sound familiar?

    Then people whined that only the great players could get the good stuff and how unfair it was. So they introduced a new weapons cache where people could just point, shoot, and kill. New over-overpowered weapons that outclassed anything before. But it cost a fortune in GTA$ to obtain these items. So you could grind, or pay around $40 in real cash to get them. Oh, and the missions necessary to get those weapons were done in the open world, where everyone could not only kill you, but were encouraged to kill you by the game.

    All was still relatively okay, as skill still prevailed most of the time. Then, they introduced a f^%^$ing flying motorcycle with homing missiles. Its cost a ridiculous amount of money. And any noob could use it to kill anyone, plus, it was nearly impossible to kill them. RIP GTA Online.

    So no, keep P2W out of this game altogether.
  • Didgerion
    Yes, add pay to win in may areas
    Yes, it will definitely help...

    Just make it cost 1 cent.....as if you make it cost 2 cents then the bots will be there and will sell it for 1 cent!...
  • SydneyGrey
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    I'd rather have bots than a pay-to-win game. Ideally we wouldn't have either, though.
  • Alaztor91
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    I played GTA Online for years. And for years it was my favorite game. And then they introduced micro-transactions and pay to win. Ruined the game completely.

    For those unfamiliar with how this happened, GTA was a very balanced game that required people to learn how to snipe, drive, fly, engage in combat, etc. It was very hard to get a hold of OP weapons. Most loved the separation this created between bad-to-good-to-great players. Sound familiar?

    Then people whined that only the great players could get the good stuff and how unfair it was. So they introduced a new weapons cache where people could just point, shoot, and kill. New over-overpowered weapons that outclassed anything before. But it cost a fortune in GTA$ to obtain these items. So you could grind, or pay around $40 in real cash to get them. Oh, and the missions necessary to get those weapons were done in the open world, where everyone could not only kill you, but were encouraged to kill you by the game.

    All was still relatively okay, as skill still prevailed most of the time. Then, they introduced a f^%^$ing flying motorcycle with homing missiles. Its cost a ridiculous amount of money. And any noob could use it to kill anyone, plus, it was nearly impossible to kill them. RIP GTA Online.

    So no, keep P2W out of this game altogether.

    While I agree that P2W ruins games, you can't really say that GTA Online was ''ruined completely'' considering that they have sold like 100 million copies of the game(I know that some people don't care about the online mode and just play the single player mode), that's like 10 times the number of units sold that ESO has. I'm not saying that ESO is a bad game or anything of the sort, but I'm pretty sure that GTA Online has a substantially larger player base and makes more revenue.

  • Itzmichi
    BossXV wrote: »
    (Rage bringing click baite title, but seriously read and consider) Idea that crossed my mind, I just want to see what the community thinks

    There are toxic websites that sell gold. These same websites sell leveled accounts for up to hundreds of dollars. From what I've read that is nearly as big as gold selling.

    It would be a trade off, pay for CP is lame, may kill accomplishment feelings in players who earned their stuff through game play, ZOS possibly getting greedy and begin building gameplay around money schemes, (loss)

    what we earn is seriously hurting the botting economy, accomidating gamers who are too busy adulting to level but want to do end game content while giving more money to ZOS to keep the game running

    What do you think?

    So kill fire with fire, history tells us that stuff like this never worked. So let's not, okay?
    Here, have a chill pill 💊!
  • Danksta
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    REEEEEE!!!!! :rage:
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • Orillion
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    P2W seems the best way to turn a great game into your average korean grinder, just like every other one out there already (and it won't solve anything, just like all these other mmos have shown).
    Edited by Orillion on February 23, 2019 9:17AM
  • Billdor
    BossXV wrote: »
    (Rage bringing click baite title, but seriously read and consider) Idea that crossed my mind, I just want to see what the community thinks

    There are toxic websites that sell gold. These same websites sell leveled accounts for up to hundreds of dollars. From what I've read that is nearly as big as gold selling.

    It would be a trade off, pay for CP is lame, may kill accomplishment feelings in players who earned their stuff through game play, ZOS possibly getting greedy and begin building gameplay around money schemes, (loss)

    what we earn is seriously hurting the botting economy, accomidating gamers who are too busy adulting to level but want to do end game content while giving more money to ZOS to keep the game running

    What do you think?

    Hopefully P2W makes us pay to ban people off the forums like you, who create pointless polls with zero thought.
  • Chronocidal
    well considering that the majority of MMO bots are built for the purpose of selling e-goods via ingame merchants for game currency or 3rd party sites for real cash

    that would tend to mean they probably have the funds to breach any form of "pay wall" and then continue doing what they are doing before

    they would just pass the cost to their consumers who are already clearly prepared to pay for something rather then earn it
    Edited by Chronocidal on February 23, 2019 9:27AM
  • Sheezabeast
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • jainiadral
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea

    That's pretty much it in a nice milk chocolate cup :D

    More seriously, I'm not usually the REEE type, but after having some happy fun times in a real P2W game, I think that's the least I can say.

    It's a crappy mobile game with a good storyline, and technically you can make it through without paying. You have to do lots of grinding and physical/mental/soul gymnastics. Then you can make it to the top, enjoy the heights for 30 seconds, maybe take a breath of fresh uber-high air.

    Then you fall. Hard. To someone who thought it was perfectly fine to waste $1000 on some pixels. And then the next someone after that who deposes the top blue whale by being a sooper-dooper genetically enhanced spaceosonic blue whale with $10,000 in their pocket.

    Talk about demoralizing. Talk about inducing burnout, cynicism, and a lot of general irritation.

    Pay-to-win might not be so galling if it was marginally affordable, but it never is. People complain about ESO's store prices now, but come P2W, they'd double. Triple. Probably go up a whole order of magnitude.

    I'd hate to see that happen here. I really would. We've got something pretty nice-- let's not wreck it.

    Edited by jainiadral on February 23, 2019 10:18AM
  • Mr_Walker
    I played GTA Online for years. And for years it was my favorite game. And then they introduced micro-transactions and pay to win. Ruined the game completely.

    For those unfamiliar with how this happened, GTA was a very balanced game that required people to learn how to snipe, drive, fly, engage in combat, etc. It was very hard to get a hold of OP weapons. Most loved the separation this created between bad-to-good-to-great players. Sound familiar?

    Then people whined that only the great players could get the good stuff and how unfair it was. So they introduced a new weapons cache where people could just point, shoot, and kill. New over-overpowered weapons that outclassed anything before. But it cost a fortune in GTA$ to obtain these items. So you could grind, or pay around $40 in real cash to get them. Oh, and the missions necessary to get those weapons were done in the open world, where everyone could not only kill you, but were encouraged to kill you by the game.

    All was still relatively okay, as skill still prevailed most of the time. Then, they introduced a f^%^$ing flying motorcycle with homing missiles. Its cost a ridiculous amount of money. And any noob could use it to kill anyone, plus, it was nearly impossible to kill them. RIP GTA Online.

    So no, keep P2W out of this game altogether.

    Absolute twaddle. If you couldn't afford the rocket bike you weren't playing the game. I say this as lvl 630+ with 130M in bank, every house, every garage, every weaponised vehicle, every supercar I could fit in my garages. I bought everything I could buy until I ran out of things to buy. Number of shark cards bought? Zero.

    P2W my behind. GTAO is the BEST example of how microtransactions can give an income stream to a game manufacturer and still NOT be p2w.
  • ankeor
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    Better have bots floathing around all the maps.
  • xMovingTarget
    I really don't want to play BDO again. Thank you. 35$ for just a costume is just not appealing to keep playing a game.
  • starkerealm
    No, do not add p2w
  • BossXV
    Billdor wrote: »
    BossXV wrote: »
    (Rage bringing click baite title, but seriously read and consider) Idea that crossed my mind, I just want to see what the community thinks

    There are toxic websites that sell gold. These same websites sell leveled accounts for up to hundreds of dollars. From what I've read that is nearly as big as gold selling.

    It would be a trade off, pay for CP is lame, may kill accomplishment feelings in players who earned their stuff through game play, ZOS possibly getting greedy and begin building gameplay around money schemes, (loss)

    what we earn is seriously hurting the botting economy, accomidating gamers who are too busy adulting to level but want to do end game content while giving more money to ZOS to keep the game running

    What do you think?

    Hopefully P2W makes us pay to ban people off the forums like you, who create pointless polls with zero thought.

    Wow, your not toxic or anything
  • LadyNalcarya
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    BossXV wrote: »
    (Rage bringing click baite title, but seriously read and consider) Idea that crossed my mind, I just want to see what the community thinks

    There are toxic websites that sell gold. These same websites sell leveled accounts for up to hundreds of dollars. From what I've read that is nearly as big as gold selling.

    It would be a trade off, pay for CP is lame, may kill accomplishment feelings in players who earned their stuff through game play, ZOS possibly getting greedy and begin building gameplay around money schemes, (loss)

    what we earn is seriously hurting the botting economy, accomidating gamers who are too busy adulting to level but want to do end game content while giving more money to ZOS to keep the game running

    What do you think?

    It would only add more problems on top of what we already have. P2W concept is predatory at its core, there's no such thing as "player-friendly P2W".
    There's a lot of p2w games, and they are not bot-free... Blade and Soul, for example, allows you to buy gold (f2p version, not sure about EU/NA servers), but still there's a lot of gold sellers. When made an account, the first few messages I got were from them lol. This is not surprising, really: you can already buy gold in ESO (by selling crowns), but botters will always offer better prices, simply because they gain much more gold and resources than legit players.
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on February 23, 2019 2:16PM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Fallewarrior
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    The forums never cease to entertain me
    Hocus Pocus Grim Focus

    Worlds First Tick Tock & Disassembly General (No death speedrun HM vHoF)
    Worlds First vAS Hardmode
    Worlds First Cloudrest clear, and hardmode
    Worlds First Cloudrest HM Nodeathspeedrun (Gryphon Heart)

  • JobooAGS
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    The forums never cease to entertain me

    *lights torch, grabs pitchfork*
  •  Czirne
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    this has to be one of the top 5 in the "most moronic ideas on eso forums", if not top 3.
    I believe in lagless Cyrodiil!
  • ezio45
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    Nty, tbh I don't care about bots. There kinda funny
  • Imryll
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    Isn't there an expression about a cure being worse than the disease?
  • ATomiX96
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    Nah adding Max-CP-, Max-Level-... (you name it)-Tokens, wont solve the problem (account trading market, goldselling etc.), in WoW there are also max level tokens and yet account trading and goldselling, providing boost services is and will always be a thing, as its most likely still cheaper than buying the service officially via tokens.

    ZOS just needs to be more aggressive and straight up suspend accounts which are connected in any way to those 3rd party websites, no warnings, suspensions right away and in cases where the evidence of violating ToS is obvious, they should hand out permabans.
    Edited by ATomiX96 on February 23, 2019 4:08PM
  • BWS2K
    No, do not add p2w
    Botters are paying to win already though. That's how it works. Botters have money to burn.

    The only way to discourage botting is to make it not worth the time, which means fast turnarounds on reports and clear and open communication with ZOS about the issue (and results). Incentivizing reporters isn't a good move but having an open recruiting for zone GM's who's reports receive specific attention might make some progress. There will always be some bots though. *shrug*
  • Girl_Number8
    NEVER! REEE! horrible idea
    *popcorn time* :p
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