Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Because that's what a healthy pvp environment should promote. Never coming back! Well said.
Hashtag knows pretty well. He had a good run there on AD but he's been rolled over enough to know better than come back and try to fight on sotha anymore.
Edirt_seliv wrote: »
Let me get this straight. Your OP stated that you tried Vivec, found it too hard to win fights, then left Vivec to go to sotha because it was easier to win fights, then proceeded to call Vivec the junior varsity?
If you are right, then why Vivec is more popular than Sotha?
Sorry, but i wouldnt take any example from Fengrush.
From what you wrote, it sounds like you went Vivec with ur bad noCP build that can nuke noobs with proc sets/cheese/bleeds, and youre just mad cuz pepole in CP can actually counter that kind of crap.
ScruffyWhiskers wrote: »I think I saw you last night around blood. Welcome back. I think you play a ranged mag nb. Bad news. It's in a difficult spot. And there are some metas flying around that make life even more difficult. I took a long break too. Problem is that there really is no other pvp game like this one on the market. I do hope they get a handle on the server performance. They did say they have plans to try and address it. Maybe we will have quantum computing by then and it will be ok?
Hey man! Thanks. Yeah you got me with a couple good stealth ganks. It just sucks that to do decent damage in Vivec one absolute has to depend on caluurions legacy. In sotha there is better build diversity. Don't need to rely on that burst proc set to be competative.
Hey man! Thanks. Yeah you got me with a couple good stealth ganks. It just sucks that to do decent damage in Vivec one absolute has to depend on caluurions legacy. In sotha there is better build diversity. Don't need to rely on that burst proc set to be competative.
I'm making a case that's is more balanced. Not easier.
No wonder some of the big names like @FENGRUSH are back on sotha. CP is just cancer. Tank meta and ttk is just rediculous. In addition to the lag being awful. Zos, just do us all a favor and just can CP pvp. Keep CP in pve. Rework it to make the pve more challenging, but for the love of all things holy just get rid of it for pvp. You can separate it and balance pvp separately from pve rather than trying to do this 3 way balancing juggle fest. Pvp Plaers will adapt. Pve players won't care. Find a way to reward pvp players for having CP. I don't know, make it a cosmetic thing like gw2. More CPs you have in pvp the better looking armor you earn. Or free crown crates or potions. Your smart I'm sure you can think of something... Or maybe not... If you can't listen to the community.
It's asinine. I came back from a break in the game and I tickle people in Vivec. Went to sotha and can actually damage people. It's like night and day and more satisfying. I actually do damage and have to be more strategic about resources which is challenging in is own right. On Vivec you just spam skills over and over to no effect. DKs, Templars, wardens, unkillable. Especially in ball groups. It's garbage.
Hey man! Thanks. Yeah you got me with a couple good stealth ganks. It just sucks that to do decent damage in Vivec one absolute has to depend on caluurions legacy. In sotha there is better build diversity. Don't need to rely on that burst proc set to be competative.